Business of War
The community-wide event that redefined the Androids as the bots we love to hate! Brave the smoldering warzones left by the Androids on behalf of the Scisssor Army. As former members Vulcan (Starman) and Makenshi (Waveman) try to right their wrongs as members of RPD. The War Journals are intermission stories told from the POV of the Androids, as they reflect on the events of their latest adventure. The main story is here.

Introduction 1
Introduction 2
Introduction 3
Introduction 4
Introduction 5
RPD War Journals Part 1

Stage 1: Surviving Berlin - The new Ascendant Androids make their official debut, with Gila Gladiators serving as their first victims.
Stage 1: Standoff in Alberta! - Only Makenshi and Deep Impact can save Alberta from the sinister Wraithman!
Stage 1: Sao Paulo Cannot Stop - Vulcan is here and he exists.
Scissor Army War Journals Part 2
RPD War Journals Part 2

Stage 2 Introduction
Stage 2: Rematch in Alaska - Makenshi and Vulcan reunite, as they try to keep the Alaska Pipeline out of enemy hands!
Stage 2: Tyrannical Androids - The Ascendant Androids are gather materials they need for General Cutman's latest secret weapon in Johannesburg. Unless the Tech Tyrants can stop them first!
RPD War Journals Part 3

Stage 3: A War of Souls - Makenshi and Cossack's Comrades find themselves in Mesmerman's clutches!
Stage 3: Ascendant Izhevsk - Vulcan at long last confronts his "teammates", as they try to close in on the location of Cossack's Citadel.
RPD War Journals Part 4

Stage 4: Hell Metal Zoo: The Fields of Mars! - Makenshi and Drastic Measures have worse things to worry about than a missing politician. Namely, a mad scientist, and his cybernetic crimes against nature!
Stage 4: The Old Citadel Part 1 - It's the Scissor Army takes the fight to Cossack's doorstep, with the Ascendant Androids leading the charge!
Stage 4: The Old Citadel Part 2 - The Androids and the rest of the Scissor Army press their attack against the Cossacks.
Stage 4: The Old Citadel Part 3 - There's nowhere left for the Cossacks to run, as the Ascendant Androids and the Scissor Army breaks through their lines.

Stage 5: Live and Let Die - Makenshi and Vulcan try to take back Cape Canaveral from the Seven Mercenaries.
Stage 5: Slaughterhouse - The Ascendant Androids decide that Kuwait could use a lot less people, and that Deep Impact doesn't need all of its members. But they're in for a big surprise...
Scissor Army War Journals Part 6
The Bitch and the Beast - The Ascendant Androids have a brief appearance in the non-canon ep/slashfic that traumatized an entire community. Everyone's favroite OTP, Diveman and Amatista!

Stage 6 Introduction
Stage 6: Pallbearers - The Ascendant Androids decide that Baghdad could be more on fire, and try to recover Mesmerman's corpses. But they're not the only ones out to retrieve them...
Stage 6: Silence End - Makenshi and Cosmic Gladiators find themselves in Canberra, where they hunt the most dangerous game.
Stage 6: Are You Bad Enough? - Can Vulcan keep the President safe from the Scissor Army?
Scissor Army War Journals Part 7
RPD War Journals Part 6

Stage 7 - Introduction
Stage 7: "Kill Now, For Elysium Awaits" - It's all or nothing, as the Ascendant Androids fight off against Vulcan, Makenshi, and anyone and everyone else who wants a piece of them. Including Megaman himself!

Stage 8: The Strongest - Not one to go quietly in the night, Napalmman tries to lead what's left of the Scissor Army. But with dwindling resources, dissension in the ranks, and mounting losses, it could be a losing battle.