Sinister Six In:
Gutsman's Big Break
Andon: Poor Tim. Being a leader isn't all fun and games. And
you'll see why during this story. I almost feel sorry
for the big lad.
Narrator: The Sun rizes its glorus heat based rays up over Sinister
Six HQ, and all seems well until a yell was heard just
outside Scott's room.
Scott: AAAAhhhh!! A Snake!
Gary: I got ya again Scott. Fell for the ole' plastic snake
in the bed gag. *holds it up*
Scott: That isn't funny! *snags it from him*
(near the restroom)
Jason: Come on IRA, I got to go!! *holding his armor*
IRA: Sorry dude...I got wasted last night..I'll be in here
for a while...
Jason: Again?! That's the seventh time this week...wait a minute...
there's seven days in a week! IRA!! *knocks on the door
IRA: Wait your turn!!
(else where in the HQ an argument breaks out)
Ben: *Over a holigraphic projector* I'm serious Andon! Fighting
does solve problems. Think of the Wars. Sometimes Violence
is the only way to get someone's attention!
Andon: I care to disagree my violent dragon friend. Fighting
solves nothing but makes things worse than before! (continues
(And finally the loud occrances find its way in Tim's
Tim: *sighs* It's to loud in here...again. I don't know how
much more I can take...
Everyone: GARY!!!
Gary: (from some where in the HQ) I didn't do it.
Tim: *puts his hand on his head* It's getting worse...the
noises, the fighting. When will it all...
(everyone comes into Tim's room at once)
Jason: IRA's hogging the bathroom! Can you make him get out!!
Scott: Gary's driving me up the wall! Make him knock it off!
Andon: Tell Ben that fighting solves nothing Tim! You told
me yourself...
(The three start yacking and talking all at once)
Tim: SILENCE!!!!!
(everyone shuts up)
Andon: What do you mean my yelling big friend?
Tim: Everyone's problems...can't you all deal with it on
your own? Yes, I'm the leader...but I can only do so
much. I'm taking the day off!
(IRA and Gary both run into the room with mouths open)
Andon and Scott: *mouths fall open*
Jason: You can't be serious...?
Tim: Oh, I'm serious alright. I should of done something
like this a long time ago.
Andon: *puts a hand on Tim's shoulder* I understand my friend.
WE all need some time away. Go ahead and take the day
off, we'll be fine.
Gary: But...who'll lead us while your gone?
Tim: founded the blasted team!! You technically
should have been leading us from the start! How the
heck did I ever become leader anyway!?
Jason: Gary...the leader...*shivers*
Tim: It'll suffice. Gary is the leader until I return.
(Moans can be heard...except for Iceman)
Gary: WHooohoooo!!! *trips and falls*
Andon: *pulls Tim aside* Ummm...I support your decision and
all... but this is "Gary" know...the irritating
Eskimo from Hell?
Tim: I made my goodbye. *leaves*
Jason: fearless leader...what do we do now?
Gary: Let's make this...offical "Play Pranks on Jason" Day!
*squirts Jason with a water gun*
Jason: *is soaked* Great...
(hands everyone a super water gun)
Gary: Okay! Everyone shoot Jason!
IRA: *is drunk and shoots Andon*
Andon: HEY! *short circuits*
Scott: *shoots himself*
Gary: Ummmm...okay...
(Near the Supermarket Tim decided to do some shopping)
Tim: Ahhhh...finally I can relax and do something "normal"
for a change. *looks at his list* Let's see...I need
*elsewhere in the store*
Chaos: Hey's think he sees us?
Bass: Crud...wasn't expecting to see him here...maybe he's
aware of our plot?
Chaos: He must know...why else would he be
our secret hiding place.
Bass: This is perfect. He's right where we want him too! You
contact the others, I'll find out what he knows...
(as For Tim)
Tim: *puts flour into his cart*
Bass: Lovely day for shopping isn't it Gutsman?
Tim: Yup, sure is. What's up with you Bass? Shopping too?
Bass: *pulls him aside roughly* Alright, jigs up. What do
you know of our devious plot!?
Tim: Devious plot? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Bass: No idea eh? Maybe this will fresh your memory! *pulls
out a stun gun*
Tim: Hey! I came here for a nice quiet shopping spree, and
this is what I get? *punches Bass out of the store*
I'm outta here! *leaves*
Chaos: He's onto us. *helps Bass up* We need to
stop him before he can tell the other members of his
Bass: Right. I'll call the others...
(later At the Park Tim sits on a nearby bench to sit
down and read a book)
Tim: Ahhhh...finally. Peice and quiet.
(A laser blast hits the bench and it collapses)
Scorpion: Hahah! So there you are!
Tim: *gets up* What the hell are you doing here!?
Scorpion: To destroy you before you tell the others about our
devious plot!
Tim: I don't care about your stupid devious plot! I just
want to be left in peice! *gets up and leaves*
(A pile of garbage is thrown at Tim)
Tim: Oh no...not you too...
City Garage: You can't escape us! We outnumber you!
Scorpion: *blasts some lasers at Tim*
City Garage: *throws trash bombs at Tim*
Tim: *dodges the attacks and runs to a nearby shut down shop*
Scorpion: He went in the shop!
(Scorpion and City Garage run into the shop, then it
Tim: *walks out from the ashes and smoke* Hate to destroy
public property, but I'm desperate! I WANT PEICE AND
(At blast knocks Tim away)
Tim: What now?
Rod G: We won't let you escape until you tell use
what you know about our devious plot!
Torchman: Yeah! *tries to flame Tim*
Tim: Uggg...this is getting annoying...
(More attacks come from behind)
Chaos: You give up yet?
Bass: Tell us what you know of our plan!
Tim: Don't you guys have anyone else you can bother? *runs
and dodges from the attacks*
Torchman: Come on guys! AFter him!
Chaos: Don't let him get away!
Tim: *starts running up to a roof of a building*
(A laser blast fires from above)
up* WILY!! YOU TOO!?
Wily: Tell us what you know now!!
Scorpion: *appears on the roof*
Rod G: *leaps onto the roof*
(as does City Garage, Bass, Super Chaos, and Torchman)
Tim: *sighs* GO! Plot, scheme, Kidnap! Hold someone for randsome!
Bass: *fires a blast at Tim*
City Garage: *throws more garbage at Gutsman*
Tim: *dodges all of the attacks* Is there a way you guys
can do all this....tommorow?!
Scorpion: *uses telekinesis to throw stuff at Tim* No...we will
kill you now.
Rod G: *uses his magic staff to make the floor slippery*
Tim: *pushes Bass into Scorpion and Buster Rod G and they
fall off the roof*
Chaos: *fired his laser at Tim*
Wily: *starts attacking from above*
Tim: Please....stop...*dodges more and jumps off the roof*
City Garage: Come one guys! We have him on the run!
Torchman: He's trying to get away, after him! *they all scatter
after him*
Tim: *hides behind some trash cans*
(The Trash can gets blown away by Red)
Red: He's over here guys!
Bass: Red found him!
Tim: *throws a boulder at Red and Bass* CAN'T YOU GUYS GO
Red: *blows the boulder away* Not tell you tell us what you
know of our devious plan!
(The mob of villains surround Tim)
City Garage: Yeah! The Sinister Six Adversaries Team
up and over throw the Sinister Six!
Rod G: You just told him you fool!!
City Garage: He already knew anyway...remember?
Tim: Wait a minute...hold everything!! That is your devious
plot? To unite and try to overthrow The Sinister Six?
Red: That's right! With our combined strength, you guys don't
stand a chance!
Tim: You haven't even stopped me with your combined might.
All you did was RUIN MY DAY OFF!
Chaos: We still haven't finished with you yet.
Scorpion: Yeah! We still have to destroy you since you know our
devious plot.
($20 thousand dollars and 2 hours later Tim arrives
tiredly back at S6 HQ)
Jason: Hey Tim, how was your day off?
Tim: I don't want to talk about it...*grumbles*
Andon: You won't belive it Timmo, but having Gary in charge
was great!
Scott: Yeah! We got attacked by this huge swarm of ants...
IRA: And Gary dude lead us right into battle! We kicked their
Tim: Did I miss something...?
(The TV News Channel Came on)
Ancorman: This just in! All the Sinister Six Villains
has been arrested using counterfiet money down at the
jewlery prix. Let's see if we can get a statement from
their leader.
Wily: I can't belive I fell for the same thing twice!
I'll get you Gutsman! Your dang counterfiet money!!!
(tv flicks off)
Jason: What the hell did you do today Tim?
Tim: I had fought basically every one of our villains and
survived to talk about it...
IRA: So you gave them counterfeit money? Where'd you get
Gary: That, and I thought we were rich...
Tim: *pulls out Gauntlet's Counterfeit Money Machine* In
addition to being rich...I'm also cheap.
Tim: Some hero "I" turned out to be...used fake money to
bribe my way out of a situation.
Jason: True That, but at least you got away from us.
Andon: I donno if it was for the best though.
IRA: He still had a bad day.
Gary: So does that mean, I'm not leader anymore...
Scott: I think so Gary...I think so...
Jason: Wait a minute...if we're so rich, how come we only have
one bathroom...
(They all start arguing again)
(Somewhere in another dimention)
Gauntlet: Alright! Who took my Counterfiet Money Device!