
World's Strongest - Flameman
Flame's redesign allows him to generate flame from various points on his body. When he goes all out, he takes on the form of a djinn. I'd also wanted to give a robot a beard like that for a good while.

Keywords: mm6

World's Strongest - Flameman

Flame's redesign allows him to generate flame from various points on his body. When he goes all out, he takes on the form of a djinn. I'd also wanted to give a robot a beard like that for a good while.

windman.jpg flameman.jpg knightman.jpg Asc-Grav.jpg Asc-Charge.jpg


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC