
Shadow Woman?
So this one requires a bit of an explanation.

In the past this connection has been sort of "yadda yaddaed" away, but in the latest series we go full-Archie in regards to Shadowman's past, connecting him to Ra Moon.  But that also calls into question his sister, who is currently Needlegal.  She was never Needle originally.  So what did she actually look like?

My take on Shadow's past came before Archie had the Megaman license.  It was that he was found and remodeled by some unknown scientist to work for the government.  And this same scientist created a "sister unit" based on his specs.  And that's where she came from lore-wise.  For the Mechs.  

Visually it made sense to base her off Archie's Kuiper Droids as that gave Shadowman a more fleshed out past.  But she was never a Kuiper Droid herself.
Keywords: Shadow

Shadow Woman?

So this one requires a bit of an explanation.

In the past this connection has been sort of "yadda yaddaed" away, but in the latest series we go full-Archie in regards to Shadowman's past, connecting him to Ra Moon. But that also calls into question his sister, who is currently Needlegal. She was never Needle originally. So what did she actually look like?

My take on Shadow's past came before Archie had the Megaman license. It was that he was found and remodeled by some unknown scientist to work for the government. And this same scientist created a "sister unit" based on his specs. And that's where she came from lore-wise. For the Mechs.

Visually it made sense to base her off Archie's Kuiper Droids as that gave Shadowman a more fleshed out past. But she was never a Kuiper Droid herself.

Dark-Hardman.jpg psycho-magnet.jpg Dark-NeedleWoman.jpg NPProto.jpg Breakman1.jpg


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