
[003] Chibi Maniacs - Snake Man
Here we see Snake "hunting" for change at the Dr. Pepper machine (as made reference to in the Business of War intro). My theory is that he never needs to pay for his soda addiction, he just uses his search snakes to find all the change that people drop around the vending machine. Snake's in the process of counting, while one of his serpent servants spots a rogue nickel.
Keywords: Snake

[003] Chibi Maniacs - Snake Man

Here we see Snake "hunting" for change at the Dr. Pepper machine (as made reference to in the Business of War intro). My theory is that he never needs to pay for his soda addiction, he just uses his search snakes to find all the change that people drop around the vending machine. Snake's in the process of counting, while one of his serpent servants spots a rogue nickel.

topmansketch.jpg ddr.jpg 003-ChibiSnake.jpg jacketspecs.jpg 002-Chibispark.jpg


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