
Spark holding onto Gemini's hand
Been feeling a little down. I like to draw when I'm sad... and this is what I came up with.

Guess it's a BoW image?

Spark holding onto Gemini's hand while crying. The rainbow is there because of the song I downloaded (I think Hard mentioned it.) Rainbow Connection. This version sounds alot like the deep womanly voice I chose for Classi-Cal altogether. 
Keywords: Spark_mm;Gemini

Spark holding onto Gemini's hand

Been feeling a little down. I like to draw when I'm sad... and this is what I came up with.

Guess it's a BoW image?

Spark holding onto Gemini's hand while crying. The rainbow is there because of the song I downloaded (I think Hard mentioned it.) Rainbow Connection. This version sounds alot like the deep womanly voice I chose for Classi-Cal altogether.

paintchat20110402-s6.gif PreacherMan.gif SparkGem.png FC-Shoryu.png Elecman2.jpg


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