
Barrageman is the first comic-only robot shown in the reletively-recent Megaman comic.

I actually have one BIG issue with Barrageman's design. Namely ..... the face. That's the face of a mad gunman, gleefully at work. But Barrageman actually has no personality. He's a mindless drone-like robot who verbalises all his computor-processing "thoughts". So Fong (whom I assume designed him) droppoed the ball there.

Unlike Expressman, Barrageman is shown MANY times in full-body facing-forward shots. Many of them are tiny tho and many lack a good face reference. 
Keywords: Barrage


Barrageman is the first comic-only robot shown in the reletively-recent Megaman comic.

I actually have one BIG issue with Barrageman's design. Namely ..... the face. That's the face of a mad gunman, gleefully at work. But Barrageman actually has no personality. He's a mindless drone-like robot who verbalises all his computor-processing "thoughts". So Fong (whom I assume designed him) droppoed the ball there.

Unlike Expressman, Barrageman is shown MANY times in full-body facing-forward shots. Many of them are tiny tho and many lack a good face reference.

WebpageSt.jpg mMistakesMeat.flv Barrageman.jpg BizarroShadowman2.gif sagempose-colour.jpg


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC