
Goodbye, Gary 1687×1082
Iceman was my best friend on the net. As part of the tribute section, I drew this picture (at first to show him, me, and Ben) of all of his current online friends. Where online pals and RL pals overlap, I included the RL pals. I also went for the Team version of his pals when possible.

Wallpaper version made on request.
Keywords: Shadow;Snake;Flash;Ice;Guts;Spark_mm;Magma_Dragoon;Cut;Bomb;Flame;wpglre;s6_guest_art

Goodbye, Gary 1687×1082

Iceman was my best friend on the net. As part of the tribute section, I drew this picture (at first to show him, me, and Ben) of all of his current online friends. Where online pals and RL pals overlap, I included the RL pals. I also went for the Team version of his pals when possible.

Wallpaper version made on request.

shadow-gits.png WSR_FGuys.gif ByeIce.jpg BizarroShadowman7.jpg BizarroShadowman3.jpg


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC