
Day 3: 09- Avatar Finale Spoilers
A little background: I don't download episodes, I don't get Cartoon Network, I hate spoilers, and YTV hadn't aired the Avatar finale until the previous night, which I had obviously missed since I was at Masquerade, but I had it recorded back home so I would see it when I got back.

Thanks to these cosplayers, the whole thing was ruined for me. Now it just couldn't be the same when I would eventually see the epic scene where Toph, Ty Lee, Sokka, Aang, Pikachu, and three Kataras ganged up on Azula in her bathrobe and made her cry! Yeesh, it's impossible to avoid spoilers these days.

Day 3: 09- Avatar Finale Spoilers

A little background: I don't download episodes, I don't get Cartoon Network, I hate spoilers, and YTV hadn't aired the Avatar finale until the previous night, which I had obviously missed since I was at Masquerade, but I had it recorded back home so I would see it when I got back.

Thanks to these cosplayers, the whole thing was ruined for me. Now it just couldn't be the same when I would eventually see the epic scene where Toph, Ty Lee, Sokka, Aang, Pikachu, and three Kataras ganged up on Azula in her bathrobe and made her cry! Yeesh, it's impossible to avoid spoilers these days.

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