
Chargeman Profile
Just a bit left over from the big Chargeman pic a while back. I was originally going to leave it, but eventually decided to give it a quickie colouring job, leaving out the soot effect. This gives you an idea of what his original paintjob could have been, as well as what his head looks like from another angle.

Chargeman copyright Capcom, BoW design concept by Rich, drawing by me.
Keywords: Charge

Chargeman Profile

Just a bit left over from the big Chargeman pic a while back. I was originally going to leave it, but eventually decided to give it a quickie colouring job, leaving out the soot effect. This gives you an idea of what his original paintjob could have been, as well as what his head looks like from another angle.

Chargeman copyright Capcom, BoW design concept by Rich, drawing by me.

TurboCar1.gif yamatoman.jpg chargeface.jpg quickman.gif GenCutSimple.jpg


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