
TMNT: Slash TV
Part 4 of my TMNT collage project. The TV show's Slash. 

I didn't liek this incarnation of Slash as much as the comic's or the toy's. Not that he didn't kick ass (he did), but because he was just so ..... DIFFERNET! And the toy was sheer perection! Why change perfection? I didn't know. Nobody knew! All I knew is that they had something perfect and they made it less so. 

TV Slash had a different origin that the eco-friendly toy/comic book Slash (Archie really got into the whole eco stuff throughout their run). See Shredder and Krang has just finished perfecting their Super Mutagen. They leave it in a room with Bebop and Rocksteady. Bebop then shows Rocksteady his fet turtle, Slash (he kept it secret so the big Shred wouldn't kick his ass for having a turtle). He accidentally gets Super Mutagen on the turtle and then you get Slash. So Bebop and ROckstead send Slash to Earth to cover their misdeeds, but Shredder wants him back (he *IS* a super mutant after all). After much ass kicking Slash gets sent into space and is hear dof only once more (to my knowledge anyway).

Personally, I rather prefer this origin to "Palmadice". This Slash is also obsessed with his plam tree "binky" (his sole possession in his aquarium). But he's stupid. REEEEAAAAAL STUPID. And while that does work for Slash, I didn't care for his design. He had buck-freakin'-teeth. His belt tucked into his shell somehow. And his lower jaw was HUGE. And, while in comparison tot he other toy designs, it wasn't bad ..... it was nowhere near the glory of his original toy incarnation. I was crestfallen (incedentally this disappointment is why I remember his origin in great detail right up until the part where he was mutated because it was then that his new look was revealed). 

Well, I tried to make his look more badass than it was while remaining true to it. He still has his damn incisors, but their more menacing now. Gave him the same basic body as my first Slash, but it's more refined (since I had finished drawing Venus and Saint I had more practise). I hope I infused some badassitry into TV's Slash. I like it anyways. 

Needlegal (my sister): I never liked this version. WAY too stupid. I thought Super Mutages was supposed to make you super cool, not super fucked up!
Incidentally this was the last TMNT turtle that disappointed me. After all, this is a turtle collage, so I do like the MAGORITY of them.

TMNT: Slash TV

Part 4 of my TMNT collage project. The TV show's Slash.

I didn't liek this incarnation of Slash as much as the comic's or the toy's. Not that he didn't kick ass (he did), but because he was just so ..... DIFFERNET! And the toy was sheer perection! Why change perfection? I didn't know. Nobody knew! All I knew is that they had something perfect and they made it less so.

TV Slash had a different origin that the eco-friendly toy/comic book Slash (Archie really got into the whole eco stuff throughout their run). See Shredder and Krang has just finished perfecting their Super Mutagen. They leave it in a room with Bebop and Rocksteady. Bebop then shows Rocksteady his fet turtle, Slash (he kept it secret so the big Shred wouldn't kick his ass for having a turtle). He accidentally gets Super Mutagen on the turtle and then you get Slash. So Bebop and ROckstead send Slash to Earth to cover their misdeeds, but Shredder wants him back (he *IS* a super mutant after all). After much ass kicking Slash gets sent into space and is hear dof only once more (to my knowledge anyway).

Personally, I rather prefer this origin to "Palmadice". This Slash is also obsessed with his plam tree "binky" (his sole possession in his aquarium). But he's stupid. REEEEAAAAAL STUPID. And while that does work for Slash, I didn't care for his design. He had buck-freakin'-teeth. His belt tucked into his shell somehow. And his lower jaw was HUGE. And, while in comparison tot he other toy designs, it wasn't bad ..... it was nowhere near the glory of his original toy incarnation. I was crestfallen (incedentally this disappointment is why I remember his origin in great detail right up until the part where he was mutated because it was then that his new look was revealed).

Well, I tried to make his look more badass than it was while remaining true to it. He still has his damn incisors, but their more menacing now. Gave him the same basic body as my first Slash, but it's more refined (since I had finished drawing Venus and Saint I had more practise). I hope I infused some badassitry into TV's Slash. I like it anyways.

Needlegal (my sister): I never liked this version. WAY too stupid. I thought Super Mutages was supposed to make you super cool, not super fucked up!
Incidentally this was the last TMNT turtle that disappointed me. After all, this is a turtle collage, so I do like the MAGORITY of them.

tmnt-tokka.jpg tmnt-slash.jpg tmnt-slashtv.jpg tmnt-saint.jpg tmnt-rapheal.jpg


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