
Beware my Power detail
Inspired by the upcoming GL story arc!

detail from a few rings that are harder to see. There's a Sinestro Corps symbol visible through the gem, you can make out the (squashed) ring's not just a squashed ring, but is sorta different, the indents on the fancy ring, and a better view of the troublesome Star Sapphire's ring.

Beware my Power detail

Inspired by the upcoming GL story arc!

detail from a few rings that are harder to see. There's a Sinestro Corps symbol visible through the gem, you can make out the (squashed) ring's not just a squashed ring, but is sorta different, the indents on the fancy ring, and a better view of the troublesome Star Sapphire's ring.

Xellossanime.jpg tmnt-tokka.jpg Rings_detail.jpg Galvatron.jpg TMNT-darkTMNT.jpg


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