
Blue Lantern - Pyrodafox
Done for Rockman Perfect Memories' Lantern Corps "project" since I couldn't wait for someone else to draw it. I picked the Blue Lantern Corps partially because blue is my favorite color and partially because I find hope the most important emotion of all. That's all I have to say other that the Blue Lantern Corps is (C) to DC Comics and yadda yadda yadda

Blue Lantern - Pyrodafox

Done for Rockman Perfect Memories' Lantern Corps "project" since I couldn't wait for someone else to draw it. I picked the Blue Lantern Corps partially because blue is my favorite color and partially because I find hope the most important emotion of all. That's all I have to say other that the Blue Lantern Corps is (C) to DC Comics and yadda yadda yadda

thunderman_sketch.jpg blue_lantern___pyrodafox.jpg heatman_transmetal__take_2.png blue_lantern___pyrodafox_cl.jpg pyro_s_new_look_by_pyrodafox.jpg


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