
S6 Memory
Bitman having to charge by an outlet.  That's just sad.  I don't think he's really have to do this, but it's a funny image.  And we also have Sharkman and Snakeman in a violent confrontation.  They seem like arch rivals to me.  Geminiman is just tossed in there because Shark has his body.
Keywords: Bit;Shark;Gemini;Snake

S6 Memory

Bitman having to charge by an outlet. That's just sad. I don't think he's really have to do this, but it's a funny image. And we also have Sharkman and Snakeman in a violent confrontation. They seem like arch rivals to me. Geminiman is just tossed in there because Shark has his body.

S6mem6.jpg S6mem5.jpg TMSnakeman1.jpg CapN-birthday.jpg electra.jpg


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