

This page is for network maps in the game. I'm not very concerned with real world maps, or for the small, square-shaped comp levels since it's not easy to get lost there. Also, if you're looking for maps for spritework, then Sprites.Inc is a better bet. Mine are resized and written-over all over the place, so they're of little use besides gameplay reference.

As a bonus, item, battle, etc. data on each area.

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Blackboard CompClassroom 5ACh1RegUp1Met1 7/8, Canodumb1 6/8
Doghouse CompHikari DoghouseCh1BarrierLBeastmanV3Met1 8/8, Canodumb1 6/8, Spikey1-3 2/4some cracked, rocks
Lan's HPLan's RoomCh1To ACDC1
Dex's HPDex's HouseCh1200Z,GutPnchBTo ACDC1, Link to ACDCSquareMet1 6/8, Canodumb1 5/8, Spikey1 1/8some cracked
Yai's HPYai's HouseCh1RegUp2,SideGunSTo ACDC2, Link to SciLabSquareCanodumb1 5/8, Canodumb2 1/8, Bunny5/8middle holes
Mayl's HPMayl's RoomCh1500Z, HPMemTo ACDC1, Link to YokaSquareMet1 8/8, Met2 1/8, Canodumb1 3/8, Bunny4/8corner holes
ACDC1Ch1MiniEng, LongSwrdE, PanicCMetroMet1 7/8, Canodumb1 6/8
ACDC2Ch1800Z, CopyDmg*FlashV3, ShopMet1 8/12, Canodumb1 7/12, EleBall 3/12, Bunny 1/12, Boomer 1/12
ACDC3Ch1PanlOut3*, WideSwrdLFlashV2, SquareMet1 6/8, Canodumb1 5/8, Bunny 4/8
ACDC SquareCh1Square, Link to Dex's
School Server CompTeacher's LoungeCh1HPMem,RockCube*Met1 4/8, Canodumb1 4/8, Boomer1 4/8, KillerEye 1/8, Elehornet 2/8
Phone CompYai's HouseCh2RepairARatty1 4/8, Shrimpy1 6/8, Bunny 4/8bottleneck holes
Sign CompHigsby's Numberman SignCh3HPMemMet1 2/8, Met2 3/8, Trumpy 8/8, Shrimpy 2/8, Ratty 2/8
Board CompHikari Control PanelCh3SpreaderNSpikey 3/8, Eleball 4/8, Ratty 6/8, Ratty2 1/8
Tank CompACDC TankCh8HPMem,RegUp2Canodumb3 5/5 1/3, Nailer 3/5, Spikey1-2 1/3, Spikey3 2/3, Trasher 1/3metal except outer columns

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Principal's PC1Principal's OfficeCh1RegUp1, 600Z, Recov10 *Met1 5/8, Canodumb1 3/8, Bunny 5/8
Principal's PC2Ch11200Z, SpreaderP, HPMemFlashmanMet1 5/8, Canodumb1 4/8, Bunny3/8, EleBall 4/8

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Door Sensor CompDoor to Virus LabCh2AirShoes *, 700ZKilrEyeOmegaMet1 4/8 1/3, Canodumb1 4/8, Fishy 5/8 1/3, Spikey 1/3, Spikey2 2/3, HotHead 1/3h -shape
Vending CompSciLab Vending MachineCh2RegUp2GamblingShrimpy 3/8, Bunny 2/8, Pengi 6/8, Penga 2/8scattered ice
ComputerLab ComputerCh21000Z, BambSwrdNCanodumb1 4/8, Met2 7/8, Fishy 3/8single corner holes
SciLab SquareVirus LabCh2To SciLab2, Square, Link to Yai's
SciLab1Ch2Invis*, CustSwrdZBeastV2, Undernet4Canodumb1 1/12, Fishy 7/12, Swordy 4/12, Boomer 4/12, Quaker 5/12
SciLab2Ch2RegUp2, GrabBackAMetro, SquareCanodumb1 3/12, Ratty 5/12, Fishy 5/12, Swordy 3/12, Boomer 2/12, Quaker 4/12
Breeder1-6 CompVirus Lab Breeder MachineCh7Virus Breeder

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Old TV CompInn Room TVCh2UnlockerDesertmanV3Met1 3/12, Met2 2/12, Met3 3/12, Ratty 5/12, Quaker 4/12, Totem 1/12sand diagonal or all
Armor CompInn ArmorCh2SubMemoryYamatomanV3Met1 6/12, Met2 4/12, HardHead 3/12, Fishy3 3/12top&bottom rows grass
Tamako's HPTamako's StandCh2900Z,SnakeDTo Yoka1, Link to BeachSqareMet1 2/8, Canodumb1 5/8, Boomer 3/8, WindBox 2/8, HardHead 1/8metal line & gears
Ticket CompZoo Ticket BoothCh2RegUp1Met1 2/12, Met2 3/12, Canodumb2 2/12, Ratty 4/12, Boomer 3/12top&bottom rows cracked
Alarm CompBroken Alarm behind PandaCh2RegUp1,Geyser BMet1 2/8, Met2 1/8, Canodumb1 3/8, Spikey 4/8center lava
Yoka SquareCh3Square, Metro, Link to Mayl's
Yoka1Ch3Spd+1, TornadoL, PrismQBubbleman/V2, BugTrader, FlameV3Met2 3/16, Canodumb2 2/16, Shrimpy 6/16, Slimer 4/16, WindBox 5/16, Pengi 3/16, Swordy3 1/16, Fishy 1/16, Fishy2 3/16normal or scattered ice, rocks
Yoka2Ch3HPMem, FullEnrgSquareMet2 5/12, Shrimpy 7/12, Slimer 7/12normal, less ice, rocks
EduComputerGiraffe CageCh4StepSword NRatty 5/8, Spikey 3/8, Mashy 2/8some grass & cracked
Lion CompHot Spring Lion SpoutCh5Fire+30 *????, Link to Yoka2 ComedianSpikey 4/8, Spikey2 1/8, ???? 4/8center lava
UnderServer (UnderSquare Back)Beneath Hot SpringCh7To SecretArea

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
ZooComp1Panda CageCh21000Z,Geddon1 D, HPMemMet1 3/12, Met2 4/12, Spikey 6/12, Ratty 4/12, Boomer 2/12normal or cracked & grass, maybe rocks
ZooComp2Ch2Chg+1, 600Z, CopyDmg *Met1 2/12, Met2 3/12, Spikey 5/12, Ratty 2/12, Boomer 3/12, Swordy 4/12normal or cracked & grass, maybe rocks
ZooComp3Ch2Recov30 *, 800Z, CannonC, SneakRun(NC)Met2 6/15, Spikey 4/15, Ratty 1/15, Boomer 5/15, Swordy 1/15, Beetle 7/15, Viney 2/15, Moshy 1/15normal, more cracked, grass, rocks
ZooComp4Ch2RegUp2, HP+100, Hammer TBeastmanMet2 2/12, Spikey 6/12, Spikey2 3/12, Ratty 3/12, Boomer 1/12, Swordy 1/12, Beetle 4/12normal, more cracked, grass, rocks

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Beach1Ch4Recov50G, RegUp3DesertV2, BubbleV3, HospComp Fishy 1/12 3/16, Swordy2 3/12, Shaker 4/12, Deetle 5/12, Yort 2/12, SnowBlow 4/12, Trumpy 4/12, Ratty 1/16, Shrimpy2 3/16normal or scattered sand
Beach2Ch4Chg+1, SpinPinkMetro, SubChips, Square, To UndernetMet2 4/12, Fishy 3/12, Beetle 1/12, Deetle 3/12, Yort 4/12, SnowBlow 4/12, Trumpy 4/12 normal or less sand
Beach SquareCh4Square, Link to Tamako's
Relay CompDNN Relay VanCh4HP+100(P)Ratty2 6/8, Shaker 4/8, Breaker 1/8some sand
NetBattle CompDNN NetBattle StageCh4FireRatn HSpecialMet2 4/8, Swordy 4/8, Swordy2 4/8left & right col holes
TV Board CompDNN 2F Control PanelCh5RegUp1, Atk+1(P)Gambling2Met2 4/8, Met3 1/8, TuffBunny 3/8, Deetle 5/8
Editing CompDNN Editing RoomCh5HPMem, Jealousy JLink to Under6 BubsCubeMet2 1/8, Shrimpy2 4/8, Spikey2 4/8, Trumpy 4/8, Twins 2/8
Vending CompHospital Vending MachineCh59000ZGambling3MegaBunny 2/8, Penga 5/8, Slimey2 3/8ice in asterisk or checkerboard pattrn
TV CompHospital TVCh5Recov120 *SubChipsWindBox 2/8, Heavy 6/8, Momogro 6/8, N.O. 2/8
Bed CompLeft Hospital BedCh5RegUp2Canodumb2 3/8, Mushy 4/8, Mashy 1/8, Totem 4/8, Needler 2/8grass diagonal

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
HospComp1Hospital 3F Stairwell DoorCh5EngyChng, OilBody, RegUp1, Recov120OMet2 5/12, Canodumb2 4/12, Totem 5/12, HardHead 2/12, Needler 2/12, Mushy 3/12 normal or grass in the middle
HospComp2Tree of Life BaseCh5GutsStrgtQ, HPMem, Atk+1Met2 1/12, Canodumb2 1/12, Totem 5/12, HardHead 3/12, Needler 3/12, Mushy 3/12, Viney 2/12normal or lines of grass
HospComp3Hospital 3F ORCh5HeatSideT, 1600Z, SubMem, Geddon2WMet2 1/16, Canodumb2 1/16, Totem 5/16, HardHead 4/16, Needler 3/16, Mushy 2/16, Viney 4/16, Swordy2 3/16, Totam 1/16, PoofBall 2/16normal, grass, or grass & swamp
HospComp4Ch52000Z, Barr100E, FullEngMet2 2/12, Canodumb2 1/12, Totem 3/12, HardHead 3/12, Needler 3/12, Viney 2/12, Swordy2 2/12, PuffBall 3/12normal, grass, or grass & swamp
HospComp5Ch5Chg+1, FireSwrdR, HPMemPlantmanMet2 3/12 1/3, Canodumb2 1/12, Totem 4/12 1/3, HardHead 1/12, Needler 1/12, Viney 3/12, Swordy2 1/12, PuffBall 4/12, Slimey 1/3, Pengi 2/3, Pengon 1/3normal, scattered grass & cracked, all grass, or grass with swamp on the sides

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Hades IsleHades MountainCh4BlackBomb1 PHades, Beach to UndernetCanodumb2 1/16, Spikey 2/16, Spikey2 4/16 1/4, Spikey3 1/4, Fishy2 2/16, Deetle 6/16, Yort 3/16 1/4, Yurt 1/16, Momogra 3/16, Momogro 3/16, Shrimpy1-2 1/4, Shrimpy3 2/4, ColdHead 1/4normal or scattered lava, rocks
DemonCompHades Isle Right GargoyleCh5WeapLv+1(P)????, Link to Under2 BugTraderWindBox 1/8, VaccuumFan 1/8, Fishy3 2/8, Totem 1/8, Swordy3 2/8, LowBlow 1/8, ???? 3/8swamp, norm centers, all normal for ????

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Undernet1Ch51200Z,HP+200Spikey2 1/12, Spikey3 5/12, Shrimpy2 4/12, Shrimpy3 1/12, Fishy3 4/12, Slimey 3/12, Metrid 4/12, KillerEye 1/12ice, holes, IceCubes
Undernet2Ch5RegUp2, BlkBom2SCanodumb2 2/12, TuffBunny 2/12, Spikey2,3 1/12, Shrimpy2 2/12, Shrimpy3 1/12, Fishy3 2/12, Swordy3 1/12, Metrid 4/12, KillerEye 2/12, Jelly 2/12cracked, StoneCubes
Undernet3Ch5HPMem, LanceSSquare, FlamemanSpikey2,3 4/12, Fishy3 3/12, Swordy2 2/12, Deetle 3/12, Yurt 4/12, Metrid 1/12, Volcano 4/12lava
Under SquareCh7Square
Undernet4Ch7Recov200N, Spd+1, StepSwrdMShop, PlantV2Met3 5/12, Fishy3 2/12, Gloomer 5/12, Ratty2 4/12, Brushman 4/12, Dominerd 4/12
Undernet5Ch7SandStgC, HPMemDrillman, FlameV2, Link to SciLab1, SquareMet3 2/12, Gloomer 4/12, Ratty2 5/12, Brushman 4/12, Dominerd 2/12, Heavy 4/12, Shaker 3/12holes
Undernet6Ch5SubMem, WepLv+1, AuraFBugProgTrader, DrillV2, DarkV3Met3 2/16, TuffBunny 5/16, LowBlow 5/16, Totam 3/16, Viner 3/16, DemonEye 5/16, Tuby 2/16, DarkShadow 3/16, Dominerd2 1/16grass & swamp
Undernet7Ch7HPMem, GutImpctJ, GuardianO, GigaFldr1end areaMet3 2/15, Canodumb2 1/15, TuffBunny 1/15, Spikey3 1/15, Shrimpy3 3/15, Gloomer 3/15, Ratty2 2/15, Fishy3 3/15, Shaker 1/15, Tuby 2/15, Momogro 2/15, Totam 1/15, Poofball 1/15, HeatJelly 1/15, Slimey 2/15, Slimest 1/15all-normal, all-cracked, all-ice, all-grass, or all-sand

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Wall CompCastle Wily WallCh8CollectSubChipsHeavier 4/8, Dominerd2 6/8, Tromby 2/8, Slimey 1/8, Jelly 2/8
WWWComp1Castle Wily Flash TankCh8HPMem, 1800Z, Recov150 PFlashV2Canodumb3 6/15, MegaBunny 3/15, KillerEye 3/15, Elebee 2/15, Nailer 4/15, EleSphere 3/15, Viner 1/15, Vinert 2/15, HardHead 1/15, Momogra 1/15
WWWComp2Castle Wily Bubble TankCh8RegUp2, 3000ZBubbleV2,DesertV2Canodumb3 4/12, MegaBunny 3/12, KillerEye 2/12, Elebee 4/12, Nailer 4/12, Slimey 4/12, Jelly 4/12
WWWComp3Castle Wily Flame TankCh8Jungle, FullEnergyPlant, FlameCanodumb3 2/12, MegaBunny 1/12, Nailer 2/12, Spikey3 6/12, Basher 5/12, Metrod 4/12, HeatJelly 4/12 StoneCubes for Metrod
WWWComp4Lab Hall Drill TankCh81400Z, HPMemDrillMet3 7/12, MegaBunny 1/12, Gloomer 3/12, Fishy3 3/12, Momogro 5/12, Basher 5/12
AlphaWWW Server RoomCh8Bass, AlphaSlimey 2/8, KillerEye 3/8, AlphaBug 8/8

LocationWhereWhenItemsSpecialEnemy EncountersTerrain
Secret1Ch9Geddon3U, 50000Z, StepCrosRDark/V2Met3 3/12, Eleglobe 1/12, Doomer 2/12, Ratty3 2/12, Swordy3 2/12, Geetle 2/12, Yart 2/12, Totun 2/12, Heaviest 2/12, ColdHead 1/12, Metrodo 3/12, JokerEye 2/12, VaccuumFan 1/12ice, holes, holy, IceCubes
Secret2Ch9HPMem, HP+500, AntiNaviMYamato/V2, ShopMet3 1/12, Spikey3 1/12, Doomer 3/12, Geetle 1/12, Metrodo 2/12, N.O.2 4/12, EarthJelly 1/12, Volcano 1/12, Volcaner 2/12, Smasher 2/12, Elewasp 3/12, MoBlow 2/12, Shadow 2/12ice, holes, holy, cracked, lava
Secret3Ch9DarkHole*, SanctuaryC, HubBatchBugFragTrader, Serenade, BassGSSpikey3 1/16, Shrimpy3 2/16, Swordy3 2/16, Breaker 4/16, Fishy3 1/16, Momogre 3/16, Spiker 2/16, Volcano 1/16, Volcaner 1/16, Volcanest 1/16, Dominerd3 3/16, Tromby 2/16, N.O.3 1/16, Scutz 2/16, Scutzer 3/16, Scuttle 2/16, Scuttler 1/16, Scuttlest 3/16ice, lava, holy

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