Despite a slight misunderstanding on PMM the Gauntlet’s Art Contest is proceeding pretty much as I expected. I have more than three submissions for a contest I held on a whim, and I count that as a win. You don’t want to be the only kid on the block who didn’t enter do you? Draw up something TODAY!

Now, then, time for an update!

For the first time since I opened the section up, the Real Life Wilys section has an update! Ye, GODS it’s about friggin’ time! This time with an ….. “Albert Wiley”! The exact same name as our favourite mad scientist!

The second update “du jour” is a new section in the Image Gallery – Hadrian (Hardman)’s gallery! In it is all the pieces of art he did for his other page. It’s pretty snazzy and pretty large. So check it out!

And, finally, the “since 2000” image has been changed! I’ve never been really great with it, but I couldn’t think of anything else. So, I asked the people in the forum for help. And the winner of the “since 2000” contest is …. That ‘Guy’! Congratulations! Now give yourself a nice, firm, pat on the back!
