No, no new content. This is a stupid Geocities site. I forgot how ghetto the upload system was on Geocities.

Anyways, good news bad news.

Good news: We have space!

Bad news: We don’t have it totally set up yet (like with a control panel or things like that). So, even though I would LIKE to upload everything all at once and announce the dramatic return of the Mechanical Maniacs …… this is not to be.

No, no clue when that’s going to happen either. The account was set up a while ago and the powers-that-be still aren’t finished. Bah.

Also, we have a new redirect account set up in case Lars doesn’t get back to us. Nothing is there yet though. It’s not completely set up yet either. So, don’t go checking it out yet.

No, it’s not the same. Not the same at all!

Well, we’re still hopeful about getting our beloved .com account back. Damn it ….. most of my hits come from search engine referrals!
*toilet flushing sound heard in the background*

On the plus side a recent (and totally unrelated) hacker scare made us backup everything on PMM a few weeks before the ZU …… unpleasantness. . Now, there was every indication the content was never in danger of being lost …… you never know when it comes to PMM. Well, we have a backup in any case.

I, of course, always have a backup of my own site on my HD so the Mechanical Maniacs will recover the DAY I have FTP access. You betcha.

In other news …… wow. This little page mentioned on MMN. AND it destroyed my bandwidth. This isn’t even a bandwidth-heavy site. I didn’t expect that.