10 years. Wow. You know, it seems like only yesterday when I saved all the files on the Geocities site in order to kick off updates after a six month long hiatus (a record down time back then). Our site had background MIDIs, a common team layout shamelessly copied from the Sinister Six (made by Skullman of Cossack’s Creations), and me working vigorously to get all the epilogues I’d written onto the site and the forum cleaned up from the mess it was in thanks to the admins being too busy to really deal with the problems therein.
Now the site is incredibly large. The epilogues have given way in terms of focus to my exploring the more obscure areas of Megaman (which I was always rather interested in). The layout went from a simply frames-based mish-mash of images to using all sorts of PHP and CSS tricks. The forums went from the text-based Senac forum to a modest Invisionfree forum (while stopping by PHPBB, EZboard, Ikonboard, Proboards, and possibly others I’m completely forgetting about). The galleries have went from a simple set of images made by myself and some fan submissions to HUGE archives of screenshots and fan art way beyond what i ever hoped to have when I first started the ‘Maniacs.
And now it’s 10 years. And I’m going to post new things throughout the month. Starting with Issue #1 of Series 7 – Dr Wily’s Last Stand!? I had actually started this story years ago, as a fanfic, but never finished it. When I realized we were hitting our 10th I thought of no better way to celebrate than to finish off a story about the game that started it all (for us, anyway). And, to my knowledge, no other team has ever retold the events of their game. So it pleases me to be the first!
But that’s not all! I’ve also saved up the artwork I’ve done for the MM3 PC music video for a special occasion … and this is it! I’m starting off with the first two pictures shown in the vid.
So keep coming back all month long for more art and more parts to the story!