Well, my friends I have solved one of the great mysteries that has plagues me since I first entered the community.

The first mystery was how to rip X2 sprites before that FX chip was decoded. For that I relied on magazine scans.

The second was how the PC guys looked like and that involved long hours of work.

But there was always something that eluded me. How in the HELL screenshots were taken from the MM PC games when print screen yields pitiful results AT BEST!? For years this has plagued me! I even ASKED how the people did it with no reply.

But just the other day I have SOLVED THE MYSTERY! For you see now I have figured out how to quickly and easily take screenshots from the PC games! And from this new method I shall pursue the most pointless project yet: to fully rip the PC games! Not just the bosses, but enemies as well!

In fact most of the actual ripping has been completed. Soon the sheets will be available for viewing.

But HOW did I manage such a feat? Well, now …… THAT is a SECRET! heh heh heh.

But in the meantime I posted another epilogue. This one actually takes place in Series 5 making a grand total of TWO out of our FOUR posted epilogues taking place within the main story! It’s by Geminiman so check it out!
