
When I posted my original concepts of the PC upgrades to the rest of the team, Blademan had the most combination of lack of approval and lack of any better designs from anybody else. We were pretty certain about how Torch, Bit, Wave, and Shark were going to look like at this point, but Blade and Oil were still a conundrum. My scanner wasn't working at this point in time, so I made my second submission with my tablet, though you could swear it was scribbled up with a mouse and coloured by a two-year-old. Sadly, that's the way all my attempts at oekaki come out.

 The theme I was trying to build up with Blademan was "all different designs of blades in existence", hence the extraneous knife/sword sheaths. Though they're not visible here, his teeth were also sorta included with this concept, given a zig-zagged pointy saw-like appearance (the last pic shows his chompers in their creepy detail).

 The final version ends up looking like a combination of this and the first attempt. He's got the head-blade, the elbow-blades, a few of the sheaths, the teeth, and the loose vest seen in other pic.

 Blademan copyright Capcom, Hi Tech Expressions, and Rozner Labs. The S6PC characters are copyright the Mechanical Maniacs.
Keywords: Blade


When I posted my original concepts of the PC upgrades to the rest of the team, Blademan had the most combination of lack of approval and lack of any better designs from anybody else. We were pretty certain about how Torch, Bit, Wave, and Shark were going to look like at this point, but Blade and Oil were still a conundrum. My scanner wasn't working at this point in time, so I made my second submission with my tablet, though you could swear it was scribbled up with a mouse and coloured by a two-year-old. Sadly, that's the way all my attempts at oekaki come out.

The theme I was trying to build up with Blademan was "all different designs of blades in existence", hence the extraneous knife/sword sheaths. Though they're not visible here, his teeth were also sorta included with this concept, given a zig-zagged pointy saw-like appearance (the last pic shows his chompers in their creepy detail).

The final version ends up looking like a combination of this and the first attempt. He's got the head-blade, the elbow-blades, a few of the sheaths, the teeth, and the loose vest seen in other pic.

Blademan copyright Capcom, Hi Tech Expressions, and Rozner Labs. The S6PC characters are copyright the Mechanical Maniacs.

gammapiece.jpg evileight.gif blademan.jpg bassgs.jpg bizarrovirus.gif


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