
Fanart for Hardman of Mechanical Maniacs. He's writing a very nice side story, "Hardman's Bar: A Day in the Life", which I just started reading yesterday. He also introduced two new Robot Masters for the MM3 rogue's gallery that are pure awesome. I immediately started drawing as I read. This is Cityman, a collection of building-possessing tendrils that build a body out of borrowed architecture.

 I do not currently have the time or patience to draw a good, clean, realistic Cityman right now, but I had to at least sketch out something for perspective's sake. The various tiny team members I added in are actually a little too big for the scale though. Hadrian described Cityman as 80 stories high, and while the way I drew the buildings kinda approximates that, each robot looks about as tall as or taller than one storey, so it's a bit skewed. Still, I like how it turned out, for the half an hour of effort I put into it. See if you can identify all the RMs fighting him. Hint: That's me, Snakeman, getting tossed out of the right leg.

 Cityman created by Hadrian Howell. Other characters created by Capcom.
Keywords: City


Fanart for Hardman of Mechanical Maniacs. He's writing a very nice side story, "Hardman's Bar: A Day in the Life", which I just started reading yesterday. He also introduced two new Robot Masters for the MM3 rogue's gallery that are pure awesome. I immediately started drawing as I read. This is Cityman, a collection of building-possessing tendrils that build a body out of borrowed architecture.

I do not currently have the time or patience to draw a good, clean, realistic Cityman right now, but I had to at least sketch out something for perspective's sake. The various tiny team members I added in are actually a little too big for the scale though. Hadrian described Cityman as 80 stories high, and while the way I drew the buildings kinda approximates that, each robot looks about as tall as or taller than one storey, so it's a bit skewed. Still, I like how it turned out, for the half an hour of effort I put into it. See if you can identify all the RMs fighting him. Hint: That's me, Snakeman, getting tossed out of the right leg.

Cityman created by Hadrian Howell. Other characters created by Capcom.

Goliath.jpg JoltJ.jpg Cityman_by_RaijinKarate.jpg gammapiece.jpg evileight.gif


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