
Catra - All
An here's the final product - my All Catra Poster!

It was a little more challenging to make than the TMNT one .... I didn't really draw the Catras to go together like I did for the TMNT. Still, I like how this turned out.

"Jealous Beauty" is what Catra was known as on her toy's bio. While the TV show was all about She-ra and the Rebellion against the Horde, the toys were somewhat less feminist .... they were all about Catra and her friends playing tricks on She-ra as she was jealous of She-ra's looks. Yeah, someone didn't get the memo there.

Damn .... I know FAR too much about She-ra than is healthy for a guy. *_* 

Catra copyright Matell

Catra - All

An here's the final product - my All Catra Poster!

It was a little more challenging to make than the TMNT one .... I didn't really draw the Catras to go together like I did for the TMNT. Still, I like how this turned out.

"Jealous Beauty" is what Catra was known as on her toy's bio. While the TV show was all about She-ra and the Rebellion against the Horde, the toys were somewhat less feminist .... they were all about Catra and her friends playing tricks on She-ra as she was jealous of She-ra's looks. Yeah, someone didn't get the memo there.

Damn .... I know FAR too much about She-ra than is healthy for a guy. *_*

Catra copyright Matell

catra-s.jpg catra-o.jpg catra-all.jpg bladepic.jpg Baby_in_a_cap.jpg


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