
Request: Snipe Anteater
This would be a request from Snipe Anteater, done in the form of the old Technical Readout: 20XX thread with Cut, Snipe, Snake, Launch, and Hard all around the table discussing schematics. Well, some are discussing, and others are falling asleep.
Keywords: General;Cut;Snake;Hard;Snipe_Anteater;Launch_Octopus

Request: Snipe Anteater

This would be a request from Snipe Anteater, done in the form of the old Technical Readout: 20XX thread with Cut, Snipe, Snake, Launch, and Hard all around the table discussing schematics. Well, some are discussing, and others are falling asleep.

MakenshiRequest.jpg RegulusRequest.jpg SnipeRequest.jpg ZappersRequest.jpg plantman.gif


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