
Captain Pollution - Cartoon
So, here's the colored version of the Captain Pollution picture I did in pencil. I used my Wacom Tablet to color it as practise .... I'm still not too good at using the thing.

Captain Pollution always stood out to me as a great evil-copy villain for some reason. So much so that I still remember him to this day. I got annoyed at not being able to find any good references for the guy and the evil rings that I went and tracked down the cartoon and a comic with him on ebay. Didn't spend too much, but I'm glad I got some.

Looking at it now, Pollution wasn't that great of a Bizarro. His quips were just as bad as Planet's and in all of their fights, they never went all-out on each other (Planet could actually TURN INTO the elements, presumable Pollution could too, but they never used this against each other).

Still, Pollution is a good concept. If only for the odd "magical" powers that comes with him. Honestly .... "Deforestation"? People who make a big deal about heart obviously never saw the show. The guy talks to animals and gets them to help him out. He can telepathically communicate too. That's really not bad (although none of the powers in the show are used to full effect). Just has a sucky name. But Deforestation? What the Hell can THAT do in a fight? Or in any other location but a forest!

I read alot of bad comments, but after watching a few eps, it wan't as bad as the naysayers say. Oh, it wasn't one of the greatest shows ever, but it wasn't horribly oversimplified .... generally. There was a few episodes where it was, though, I'll give it that.

Pllution here (getting back on topic) probably would have waned on me had they used him more often. He was a pretty flat character. Like Planet he lacked all sorts of modivation. But he had a few god points.

1) The look. He wasn't always drawn well, but the sores and such made him look visuaully intriguing.
2) The evil rings looked sick.
3) Intriguing summons. In one instance he turns into a mechanical ball before going back into the rings. That brings us a few interesting points which were never explored.

Still, I wish the show wasn't obsessed with quips. Whose idea was that? I remember being frustrated by that as a kid too.

Still, I'm a sucker for things. Magic rings. Combining. Evil Duplicates. Put those together in any way (could be complete crap) and I'd fall for it every time.

Copyright Ted Turner

Captain Pollution - Cartoon

So, here's the colored version of the Captain Pollution picture I did in pencil. I used my Wacom Tablet to color it as practise .... I'm still not too good at using the thing.

Captain Pollution always stood out to me as a great evil-copy villain for some reason. So much so that I still remember him to this day. I got annoyed at not being able to find any good references for the guy and the evil rings that I went and tracked down the cartoon and a comic with him on ebay. Didn't spend too much, but I'm glad I got some.

Looking at it now, Pollution wasn't that great of a Bizarro. His quips were just as bad as Planet's and in all of their fights, they never went all-out on each other (Planet could actually TURN INTO the elements, presumable Pollution could too, but they never used this against each other).

Still, Pollution is a good concept. If only for the odd "magical" powers that comes with him. Honestly .... "Deforestation"? People who make a big deal about heart obviously never saw the show. The guy talks to animals and gets them to help him out. He can telepathically communicate too. That's really not bad (although none of the powers in the show are used to full effect). Just has a sucky name. But Deforestation? What the Hell can THAT do in a fight? Or in any other location but a forest!

I read alot of bad comments, but after watching a few eps, it wan't as bad as the naysayers say. Oh, it wasn't one of the greatest shows ever, but it wasn't horribly oversimplified .... generally. There was a few episodes where it was, though, I'll give it that.

Pllution here (getting back on topic) probably would have waned on me had they used him more often. He was a pretty flat character. Like Planet he lacked all sorts of modivation. But he had a few god points.

1) The look. He wasn't always drawn well, but the sores and such made him look visuaully intriguing.
2) The evil rings looked sick.
3) Intriguing summons. In one instance he turns into a mechanical ball before going back into the rings. That brings us a few interesting points which were never explored.

Still, I wish the show wasn't obsessed with quips. Whose idea was that? I remember being frustrated by that as a kid too.

Still, I'm a sucker for things. Magic rings. Combining. Evil Duplicates. Put those together in any way (could be complete crap) and I'd fall for it every time.

Copyright Ted Turner

poster73-scrap.jpg Pollution.jpg Pollution-car.jpg Pollution-c.jpg Phoenix_black.jpg


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