
It's Mustardman!  Wait, man.  Thunderman!  The writing says so.

During one adventure Elecman sacrificed himself to save the team from Scorpion.  But that pesky Iceman Red wouldn't have it and rescued him.  But Red's a jerk, so he brainwashed him to be eeeeeeeevil.  And he died in the same story that introduced him - Ice VS Red.  Based on notes Gary planned to use him again, but he never did.

This guy was a pain to make, but it's due to my own sloppiness.  I got too used to seeing him on the wiki and thought Ice used the Thunderman.EXE sprite for his appearances.  I drew and finished a literal  version based only on the sprite when I thought to actually look him up and found he only appears in the novella.  No sprite at all!  Moreover his colors are descbiped as gold, multiple yellows, and white at one point.  VERY unlike Thunderman.exe.  So I recolored him.  But then I figured that I could do better and I remembered the rough sketch Ben made of Colonel Mustard and remade it so resemble that instead.  Finally success!  He looks absurd, but that's okay.  I guess he just is absurd.

The background came from a lightning tutorial online coupled with Photoshop's clouds filter.  I tried to make him look cool, but it is what it is.  The orbs are left over from when I thought he looked like his exe counterpart.  They can just be an attack.  Why not?
Keywords: Thunder;s6_guest_art


It's Mustardman! Wait, man. Thunderman! The writing says so.

During one adventure Elecman sacrificed himself to save the team from Scorpion. But that pesky Iceman Red wouldn't have it and rescued him. But Red's a jerk, so he brainwashed him to be eeeeeeeevil. And he died in the same story that introduced him - Ice VS Red. Based on notes Gary planned to use him again, but he never did.

This guy was a pain to make, but it's due to my own sloppiness. I got too used to seeing him on the wiki and thought Ice used the Thunderman.EXE sprite for his appearances. I drew and finished a literal version based only on the sprite when I thought to actually look him up and found he only appears in the novella. No sprite at all! Moreover his colors are descbiped as gold, multiple yellows, and white at one point. VERY unlike Thunderman.exe. So I recolored him. But then I figured that I could do better and I remembered the rough sketch Ben made of Colonel Mustard and remade it so resemble that instead. Finally success! He looks absurd, but that's okay. I guess he just is absurd.

The background came from a lightning tutorial online coupled with Photoshop's clouds filter. I tried to make him look cool, but it is what it is. The orbs are left over from when I thought he looked like his exe counterpart. They can just be an attack. Why not?

SpinWoman.jpg GeminimanRed.jpg Thunderman.jpg Nth.jpg Quint.jpg


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC