
Megaman 3 Box Art Minus Megaman
For fun, I wanted to see if Dall E could fill in the blanks when I cut Megaman out of the Megaman 3 box art.  I used the recently found version that has a lot more sky to work with.  I think it needs a bit of work, but I think the results are pretty good.  A little off in some areas, but this is a solid start.

Will I refine it?  Maybe.  For now this is enough for me.

Megaman 3 Box Art Minus Megaman

For fun, I wanted to see if Dall E could fill in the blanks when I cut Megaman out of the Megaman 3 box art. I used the recently found version that has a lot more sky to work with. I think it needs a bit of work, but I think the results are pretty good. A little off in some areas, but this is a solid start.

Will I refine it? Maybe. For now this is enough for me.

cgarageC.jpg BizarroShadowman2C.jpg megaman_3_box_art_minus_megaman.png Cleaveman.jpg ArchNemesis.jpg


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