
The villain for the Megaman 4 team - Cossack's Creations.  He's made by Drill from a bunch of Maverick parts he somehow got.  He has the power to absorb powers, but why's he named Kryptoman?  I came up with the idea that he was powered by Kryptonite and that his main weapon is a Kryptonite ray in a paranoid bid to make a failsafe against Superman should he even turn rogue.  Of course Drillman never met Superman, so his main weapon is good for nothing since is can only affect Superman.

This was inspired by a Crypto meme.  I mean ... how could I not be?


The villain for the Megaman 4 team - Cossack's Creations. He's made by Drill from a bunch of Maverick parts he somehow got. He has the power to absorb powers, but why's he named Kryptoman? I came up with the idea that he was powered by Kryptonite and that his main weapon is a Kryptonite ray in a paranoid bid to make a failsafe against Superman should he even turn rogue. Of course Drillman never met Superman, so his main weapon is good for nothing since is can only affect Superman.

This was inspired by a Crypto meme. I mean ... how could I not be?

hansungkee-megaman_dos__custon_cover_mm_1_2_style.png SA-NtopC.jpg Kryptoman.jpg picturehentai2.jpg RockmanShadow.jpg


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC