
Dark Blue: Grave Reverend/ Bascilla the Tomb
Grave Reverend/ Bascilla the Tomb, a robot of Dr. Light's in Dark Blue with a talent for raising the dead. This newer version has a pet Skull Spider, a minor enemy with a plasma gun in its mouth. Her Master Weapon is pretty cool when Megaman gets his hands on it, but I'll save the details for a different time.

Dark Blue: Grave Reverend/ Bascilla the Tomb

Grave Reverend/ Bascilla the Tomb, a robot of Dr. Light's in Dark Blue with a talent for raising the dead. This newer version has a pet Skull Spider, a minor enemy with a plasma gun in its mouth. Her Master Weapon is pretty cool when Megaman gets his hands on it, but I'll save the details for a different time.

Bascilla.jpg Gaderham.jpg JerrySpringman.jpg Felaurdo.jpg MMWARCut.jpg


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