
Ascendant Napalmman
Here is Ascendant is Napalmman as "Ares", or the "Black General". His "true" form would be the giant cannon mech, but he now he has an ejectable human-sized pilot/avatar that's handy for fitting through doors, if nothing else. There are some in-between steps in the Decom category that I probably should have done first, but this is what I get for shuffling the order.

Ascendant Napalmman

Here is Ascendant is Napalmman as "Ares", or the "Black General". His "true" form would be the giant cannon mech, but he now he has an ejectable human-sized pilot/avatar that's handy for fitting through doors, if nothing else. There are some in-between steps in the Decom category that I probably should have done first, but this is what I get for shuffling the order.

Asc-Stone.jpg Asc-Crys.jpg Asc-Napalm.jpg Decom-Gyro.jpg desc-pulse.jpg


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