
Quickman - Assimilation
This was drawn on 11X14 Bristol board, and the scanner bed is about 9X12, so I couldn't get the entire pic. This took me about 2 days to draw, all in pen. I'm not gonna colour it, so it's staying black-and-white.

I used alotta Giger references for that one, and only one Borg reference (mostly for that lightning plate thing, and even then, I just BSed it.). Yeah, I stole Doc Oc's arms, but I thought they looked cool, and those hose-tentacle things on BS's back needed some added features. 

Based off of the pic that Gauntlet drew, I drew up a few reference sketches, and tweaked BS to my liking. I added allot more hoses and tubes, changed the armour neckline to resemble the Borg Queen's, and added those nice flesh-stretching hooks. 

And I realized something as I was finishing that pic off... The entire design and layout resembles some bizarre freakish crucifixion. I mean, you got the pose, you got your weird-ass angel wing things, hell, you even have a weird halo! I didn't intend for that to turn out like that, but it sure looks spiffy that it did.
Keywords: FanArtGal;Bizarro;Shadow;CutChanGal

Quickman - Assimilation

This was drawn on 11X14 Bristol board, and the scanner bed is about 9X12, so I couldn't get the entire pic. This took me about 2 days to draw, all in pen. I'm not gonna colour it, so it's staying black-and-white.

I used alotta Giger references for that one, and only one Borg reference (mostly for that lightning plate thing, and even then, I just BSed it.). Yeah, I stole Doc Oc's arms, but I thought they looked cool, and those hose-tentacle things on BS's back needed some added features.

Based off of the pic that Gauntlet drew, I drew up a few reference sketches, and tweaked BS to my liking. I added allot more hoses and tubes, changed the armour neckline to resemble the Borg Queen's, and added those nice flesh-stretching hooks.

And I realized something as I was finishing that pic off... The entire design and layout resembles some bizarre freakish crucifixion. I mean, you got the pose, you got your weird-ass angel wing things, hell, you even have a weird halo! I didn't intend for that to turn out like that, but it sure looks spiffy that it did.

ambush-Zilch.jpg Gauntlet-Ej-a.jpg Assimilation-Quickman.jpg Gauntlet-Hirundine.jpg ShadowMan-BryceForsmann.gif


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