I love these descriptive titles, don't you?
Well, I suppose I should acknowledge that the Legends series DOES, in fact, connect. Capcom says it does in a breif blurb in Rockman Memories. So it does connect. And I aknowledge that.
But I damn well don't have to think it's logical!
Seriously here, I don't see the big debate. The last Legends game was released in 2000 1 year after the last legends game (which was one year after the first Legands game). And, while people have been trying to beleive that Capcom doesn't realease more because it could, beyond all reason, SPOIL something, I think they fail to see one important point. Capcom is a COMPANY. They are in it for the money, ultimately. And the longer they can string you along, the better. Once the series stops becoming profitable, the series stops. I don't care how many outdated images Capcom uses for their site. Capcom has shown confusion in it's own series (see the Megaman 8 annaversary gallery) so it's not a huge leap to think they have a big folder of images called "Megaman".
But this is a guide to why Legends doesn't connect. And I'll stick to that.
Well, I think the biggest reason (or one of anyway) is that the characters do not carry over. They're all dead. Dr. Light and Wily carried over from, the origional to X - there's one connection (even stronger if X is MM as I beleive him to be). In Zero, Zero is carried over. And in Legends? Hm? Oh, so NO characters are actually present, eh? Well, doesn't THAT beat all?
Then how about the story? Remember, it was made alongside Megaman X4, so surely if it connects, there'd be SOME leftovers from the X series right? OH, so there isn't? What, so the whole "Maverick War" thing left ..... no trace? And the world went from gloom and doom to sunny happy-ville? Uh, so where's this big story connection? Because if there is one I don't see it.
Maybe it's all the cameos we see. There's posters of Megaman and X characters throughout the series. Megaman was named after Barrel's favorite "vedio game character" right? Maybe they had a majical protal and peered into the distant past to create these? But, no .... those are just humerous cameos much like in the EXE series. Wait ..... that doesn't connect either.
So, gameplay. How about that gameplay, eh? Lesse ...... Megaman isn't trapped in 2D, doesn't have the arm cannon as a main weapon, doesn't fight robot masters from a selectable stage, doesn't collect master weapons at all .... wow, this looks like a totally different game!
But, I suppose what does it for me in the end is that Capcom SAID it didn't connect. All the early reports of "Rockman Neo" (as it was origionally called) siad it was new. Did not connect. Had no relation to. Now, with EXE coming out I guess they didn't want to have three separate universes, so they sid it connected to te main timeline by a span of 3,000 years or so.
So, essentailly, three thousand years later something completely different happens.
Not to say that the powers-that-be aren't doing an admiral job trying to connect it now. After the fact. They tossed in the word "Elysium" in X5. And Rockman Zero (produced a measly four years after the origional Legends game) provides us with some Reaverbot-like robots and a few Reaverbot-like glyphs. Plus the new energy source could be refractors (and it could be Energon cubes too) and Ceil might be "The Matser" (of course so could Doctor Light with all the info we're given) of Legends fame. So, 3,000 years later, in a world that's completely different from the world we've come to know from that games with a completely new theme, characters, and style of gameplay is connected to the rest of the series. Hh.
Now, I'm not bashing the Legends series. I'm not a Legends-hater. Legends has it's good points, it has great characters and new gameplay, but in my opinion all those work better without the headache of trying to connect what was origionally intended to be a wholly separate series to the rest of the timeline.
Unfortunately Capcom doesn't agree with me. And the series connects. But I damn well don't have to think of it as logical!
I am Gauntlet and this has been Gauntlet's guides.