If you didn't notice already, this guy's ring is everywhere in the page. Or at least it was. Why? Must you ask?? This guy was the ultimate GL bad-ass. The original Power Ring was from Earth-3 and had a better ring than GL ever had! What is Earth-3 you ask?? Well, in the old DC Universe there were numerous Earths, most of which were destroyed in the Crisis. However, I think it'll be easier to understand if I just scanned in an excerpt from an old comic book.
Now Power Ring is a true evil version of GL. Not like Effigy. That guy is waaaaaaay too contrived. He just happens to act like GL in every way? Please.
Power Ring #2 is a bit different from #1. He doesn't come from Earth-3, but I'll mention him here. He comes from a different Earth in the Antimatter universe and is the successor to the original Power Ring. His Ring speaks to him in his head all the time, but I still like him. His costume is exactly the way it should be as a Kyle Rayner version of Power Ring. Effigy is so contrived, it's like somebody could smack you in the face and say, "See? See? He's like Kyle!!" It's sickening! But with Power Ring, he's from another dimension, so all that is cool.
Power Ring must have been the last in line for just about everything. The Crime Syndicate must've been like this:
He named himself after his ring! At least Green Lantern had the good sense to name himself "Green Lantern" instead of "Power Battery"! Unfortunately on Earth-3 they lack that good sense. Power Ring 2 had to inherit that name too! He must've kicked himself when he got stuck with such a lousy name! And it didn't end there. He had one of the worst symbols too. A heart with an X in it....real menacing there, Ring.
And of course it didn't end there...that would be far too merciful. No, Power Ring 2 screwed up as well. He lost to Aquaman....AQUAMAN!!! What could be more humiliating?? And they weren't even in water...oh no. Aquaman just shot him with his hook and then decked him and - POW, Power Ring was down and out. Nice going there, Ring, inspire fear into those heroes.
And he never even gets any chances at redeeming himself in the pages of his doppelganger's comic either! He just hangs out with the Crime Syndicate all his life, given wedgies to Owlman and trying to score with Superwoman! Out of all the Syndicate members, he has the fewest face-forward shots out of all of them - and one wears a big owl-shaped hat!
What happened to Power Ring? Why two of them? The Crisis, friends. All right, if you don't get the Crisis, go to Yellow Lantern's profile. Now, the original Power Ring lived on Earth-3 and that was destroyed in the Crisis. Power Ring 2 lives in the (one-and-only) Antimatter Universe on the Earth there. These Crime Syndicate members never even met the Justice League until recently. Maybe absorbing Earth-3 created versions of Power Ring and the others and maybe they were always there. Who knows, who cares? Power Ring 2's Earth has everything backwards: The president of the USA lives in the Black house, people have hearts on he right sides of their bodies, etc., etc.
With everything that's bad about PR, he still has the best potential for the most evil Anti-GL. He has the history, the experience and the powers of GL only twisted to evil. That's mostly what I like about the guy. His potential. And that's about it, to tell the truth. Well, PR#2 had a cool costume, but the potential for greatness was never realized. Power Ring #2 was doing an all right job (with what little panel space he had) until that last fight. Too bad he lost to Aquaman....now even Owlman will laugh at him!
I am Gauntlet and this has been Gauntlet's guides.