The ULTIMATE in Megaman hentai! Not for the kiddies. ;) Mega, Rock, Man, X, MegaMan, Rockman, pictures, doujinshi, shota, shotakon, EXE, Dash, Legends, hentai, yaoi, yuri, lemon, sex, Roll, Mayl, Lan, shonen-ai, shojo-ai, ecchi, porn, pornography, kiddysex, fan, art, fanart, doujin
The following page is a hentai page (DUH!), if you are 18 years or older and would like to see images depicting sexual activities click on Roll to proceed. That is if you like H doujinshi, ripped off Japanese fan art and original art from my own collection as well. Isn't Gauntlet generous?? If you are not 18 yet or are sensitive do not click at all. Even though this 18 stuff is bull since I'll never actually see any of you who visit my site. More of an honor code thing. Don't ruin it for the rest of us!

Come on in, boys! The water's fine!