Darkman's Robot Warriors

Wave ManWave: Right! This is the Grav-a-tron, where Star and Gravity are supposed to have gone.

Stone ManStone: Yeah, I know.

Wave ManWave: Sorry, I'm just summing it up for any readers who may have just joined us.

Stone ManStone: We're halfway through a story, why would anyone join us now?

Wave ManWave: They might JOIN us, if we were COMING APART.

Stone ManStone: That was really lame.

Wave ManWave: Gimme a break, I'm new- I still have to work on my laugh quota.

Crystal ManCrystal: Hey guys, are you looking for Star and Gravity too?

Stone ManStone: Yeah, but weren't you at the sideshow alley?

Crystal ManCrystal: It was terrible. The fortune-teller didn't even use a REAL crystal ball.

Stone ManStone: So... Star and Gravity are inside the ride. Should we join them?

Crystal ManCrystal: Why? Are they coming apart?

Stone ManStone: HAHAHA!!! Aw, you always crack me up Crystal!

Wave ManWave: ...

Crystal ManCrystal: Look, there's Star Man.

Star ManStar: Crystal, guys, how ya doin?

Stone ManStone: How are we doing what?

Star ManStar (ignoring Stone): Gravity will be here in a minute, he's just arguing with that suspicious looking old man.

Wave ManWave: Which suspicious looking old man?

Crystal ManCrystal: Yeah, so many old men look suspicious.

Star ManStar: That one over th- huh? He's gone!

Stone ManStone: Who? Gravity, or the old man?

Star ManStar: ...both of them!

Wave ManWave: Lets go look for them- come on! (runs off)

Crystal ManCrystal: Sigh. We better go and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.

Star ManStar: Well, I'm just gonna sit here for a mo.

Stone ManStone: Right. Well I'll just- huh? Where'd everybody go?

Sure enough, the others have disappeared into the crowd

Stone ManStone: Aw, I hate it when they do that.

Well, its a lousy plot-device. It happens a lot. Get used to it.

Stone ManStone: Shut it.

No. Just because I'm the narrator doesn't mean I can't get a few of my own words in now and then.

Stone ManStone: Sorry, I'm leaving. (walks into the closest tent)

Little does Stoneman know, that was exactly what I wanted!


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC