The team has happened upon a circus fairground- but who knows what dark secrets are contained within?
Crystal (reading from a map): So, on the left is the "Toothbrush Pavillion, where many rides, games, and foods can be found". Whereas to the right, is the sideshow alley, "with all manner of spooky wonders and weird oddities".
Stone: What if we go straight ahead?
Gyro: We'd probably bump into that brick wall.
Charge: ...but knowing Stone Man, that's probably what he wanted, hehe.
Stone: Hey look Charge- a train ride!
Charge: Where, where?!
Stone: Whacks Charge Man on the back of the head
Wave Man: Okay guys, no fighting. I want to have FUN! Let's go to the Toothbrush Pavillion!
Star: Well, alright then. Let's get started.
Napalm: Aw! But I want to go to the Sideshow Alley and see the bearded lady and the tattooed kidney!
Crystal: Hmm... I wouldn't mind checking out the fortune teller, actually... Why don't we split up? Napalm and I can go to the Sideshow Alley with whoever else wants to come, and the others can go to the Toothbrush Pavillion with Wave Man.
Charge: And Stone Man can stay here and play with the brick wall.
Star: Good idea, Crystal. We'll meet back here in an hour.
So the team splits up, with Napalm, Crystal, and Gyro heading off to the Sideshow Alley...
Gyro: Any bets that the levitating fakir is actually a levitating faker?
...Wave, Charge, Star and Gravity going to the Toothbrush Pavillion...
Charge: Woo-hoo! I'm gonna get me some fairy floss!
...and Stone Man examining the structural integrity of the brick wall.
Stone: Hey guys, I'm just going to 'borrow' a couple of the loose bricks here to patch up some scars from our last adventure, ok? ... guys? Uh... where did they all go?
And now dear reader, it is time to help Stone Man choose. Should he: