Unaware of the strange mysteries confronting Stone, Star, Gravity, and Crystal, the others have headed off in search of stardom- in the upcoming 'Scooby Doo Movie'
Gyro: I still say we should just
fly there! I mean, If I didn't have you two heavy morons
following me around, I would have met Scooby by now!
Napalm: Hey! I'm not a moron.
Charge: Yeah, that was a bit
Napalm: Hmph.
Gyro: You guys are sooo lame.
Charge: I didn't even think you
liked Scooby Doo anyway.
Gyro: I, Uh- I don't. I'm just
coming to make sure you guys don't get into any trouble.
Napalm: Hah!
Gyro: What did you say?
Napalm: Nothing. I'm not speaking
another word to you until you apologise!
Charge: Gyro, you lucky bastard...
All of a sudden, once it had become apparent that no witty banter was going to take place...
Taxi: Allo Guv. Need a ride?
Charge: Wow! A talking taxi!
Taxi: Wow! A talking train!
Gyro (flinching): Did... did
someone just call Charge a train? Uh-oh...
Charge: Hiee-ieee-ieeee..!
Napalm: That dude is in real
trouble... Charge is turning red...
Charge: Nyuk nyuk nyuk ahh haah
Gyro: Ah- nope, he's just his
usual pink...
Taxi: Man, this is so screwed.
Charge (at boiling point): Arrrghhh! I really don't like being called a train! Gaaar!
Gyro: We ought to do something,
that taxi is probably the quickest way to get to the film site.
Napalm: Er... Charge... He didn't...
ah... call you a train.
Charge: He didn't?
Napalm: Um... he said... 'Wow,
you must have a... big brain!'
Charge: Really? (embarassed) Oh, I bet he says that to all the guys...
Taxi: Yeah, man. You must have a big brain...
Charge: Aw shucks.
Taxi: ... for a pink train, that is.
Gyro: Ack! Just tell me when its
safe to look!
Quite some time later...
Crystal: Wow, I
never would have suspected that it was actually Dark Man who had
blown up our HQ...
Gravity: ...That
he was the one framing Arch, who in this case was actually
Napalm: ...Or that the apparent
film site was just a cheap mock up, used to lure us into Dark
Man's deadly trap...
Star: I guess it
was lucky we managed to figure out his evil plans, and arrive in
time to save you...
Gyro: ...and then get caught in
his devious trap as well...
Charge: ...Conveniently the
police turned up just in time...
Stone: The police?! Wait a minute- Suddenly this all sounds a little bit too convenient...
Crystal: Shut it!
You do want to get out of this ridiculous plot strand, don't you?
Stone: Uh, yeah. Er.. I am so glad that we just happened to find an
abandoned warehouse to hide the bodies in.
Star: Ye-es. And
that we realised Gimmick was Dark Man in disguise.
Gyro: Really? Wow, that sure had
me fooled...
Napalm: Yeah! And then we managed
to find a map to the real location of the Scooby-Doo film set...
Gravity (frowning): ...And then we unfortunately lost the map...
Napalm: ...And then found it
again, and we're on our way there now...
Crystal (innocently): ...But the map got burnt...
Star: They've
probably finished filming by now anyway.
Charge: ...And then we met Wave
Man, the missing member of our team...
Wave Man: Hi!
Stone: Um... And then we found a lear-jet...
Star: Nice try.
And that pretty much sums things up. SO, having wasted yet another perfectly crafted plot, the team decides a holiday is in order...
Gyro: Okay, we have no money, no
headquarters, no transport, and no coke machine... Lets go on
Stone: Hmm... the helicopter has a point. Where should we go?
Charge: I know! How about
Star: Um... NO.
Wave: I know where we can go!
Napalm: Where's that, buddy?
Fish: Under da sea!
Crab: Da-da-doo!
Fish: Under da sea!
Crystal: Why, oh
why didn't I see that coming...
Bubble Man: Nobody
hurries, we all eat curries- Under da sea!
Gravity: Yes, yes,
I think we get the picture.
Star: That's
ENOUGH, Wave Man!
Wave (sheepishly): Er, Sorry.
Gyro: Let's go somewhere high up
in the clouds.
Crystal: What is
it again? Take the first star to the right and carry on until
morning... Something like that anyway.
Stone: Never Land, the home of Peter Pan!
Gyro: Ha ha, very funny. Aren't
we all SO very witty today. Besides everyone knows that Peter Pan
was bought out by Disney.
Bubble: Um. I'll just go
now. (leaves)
Star: Oh... we
thought you already had.
Charge (looking at a poster): I
reckon we should go to this Circus.
Gravity (reads): "The Fantastical Bros. Circus: FUN FUN FUN! All the FUN of
the fair! Have a FUN ride! See a FUN show! Be amazed by our
sideshow! See the amazing bearded lady! Marvel at our FUNgal
infections! Lots of FUN! Ride the animals! Did we mention FUN?! (Owner
and Proprieter- Mr D. Arkman)"
Napalm: Hmm... That sounds like
Crystal: Wait a
minute- Mr D. Arkman... doesn't that sound a little bit
Stone: No. Why?
Crystal: Uh, don't
worry. What's the address?
Gravity (reads): "34 Notatrap road, Creepyville." Hmm.. that's not far
from here.
Charge: Okay, you've convinced me.
Lets go.
Soon enough the team find themselves at the entrance to a vacant lot
Star: Well, this
is the address, but there doesn't seem to be anything here.
Gyro: Hmm. Let's ask that
suspicious looking old man over there.
looking old man: Hello there. How may I help you?
Stone: Um, we're looking for the circus. Do you...
looking old man: Why, it's right over there. (points)
And sure enough, there is the circus- complete with rides and cheery music
Crystal: Wha?! But
there was nothing there just a minute ago-
Star: That old
man looked mighty familiar... Huh? He's gone!
Wave: Who cares! Let's go and have
some FUN!
Napalm: I want to see the bearded
Charge: I want to get some fairy
Gravity: Remember
to clean your teeth afterwards!
And so the now complete team venture off into the circus fairground...
Who knows what they will find? What they will do? And who they will meet? Find out next episode!