Darkman's Robot Warriors

Epilogue ?:
"Journeying through the Cabbage"

By Mysterious Bystander

The team are adventuring through a cabbage patch (sorry, I couldn't fit 'patch' in the title)

Star ManStar: Look, look! A rare East Mongolian CheeseMonkey...

Crystal ManCrystal: Is it dangerous?

Gyro ManGyro: The cheese, or the monkey?

Gravity ManGravity: Lets stop asking questions ,and kill it! It's quite obvious it's evil, it has 'I am jolly evil' written all over it.

Gyro ManGyro: No it hasn't...

Gravity ManGravity: Yes it has, so shut...

Gyro ManGyro: I bet your gay.

Star ManGyro ManNapalm ManCrystal ManCharge ManEveryone (but Gravity): HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

Star ManStar: Look, it has buggered off...

Stone ManStone: Never mind, it was gay anyway...

Star ManGyro ManNapalm ManCrystal ManCharge ManEveryone (but Gravity): YEAH, 'SURPOSE...

Gravity ManGravity: There's nothing wrong with gays.............................. I don't believe it, they've all scarpered.........nevermind, I'll just go and look for that monkey...


Crystal ManCrystal: Good, he's gone...

Stone ManStone: I knew there was something dodgey about him...

Gyro ManGyro: But I never would have thought he was a...er...'Backyard Gardener', a 'Fudge Packe..'

Star ManStar: Stop! Stop. That's is enough, I will not hear you talking about gays like that...

Star ManGyro ManNapalm ManCharge ManEveryone (but Gravity, coz he's gay): AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stone ManStone: Gays, gays. Opps! I mean, Guys, guys....listen, we can't let the readers think we are homophobic, our society states that for tolerence to...blar blar blar zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Star ManGyro ManNapalm ManCharge ManEveryone (but Gravity, coz he is inclined to prefer men to women, which is absolutely fine by everybody...): Yeah, he's right... Lets go and kill some cabbages!!!

(The End)

Charge ManCharge: Oh dear, that wasn't a cabbage, that was Gravity....


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