By C.M. Rich (Magnetman)
May 31st, 20XX, 9:13 AM , PST
“I think…We lost ‘em, boss.”
“Good. One less distraction. For now, at least.”, Shadowman
sighed. “Its time to head back anyways. We’ve got to-“
“…Boss?”, Hardman whispered, noticing his commander’s
posture tense up immediately at some sound unheard by him.
Shadowman waved him off as an order of silence. Drawing
his blade, he slinked towards one of the walls of the sewer pipe they
had been wandering about to avoid detection by the Warriors.
Probably Bubbleman, Shadowman assumed inwardly. As the
footsteps grew louder, Gauntlet waited at the junction in a predatory
stance, his shinobigatana ready to strike true; he couldn’t risk
Bubbleman alerting the others, even if he were an ally most of the time.
Besides…No hard feelings.
All at once, Shadowman whirled around and held his blade
at the throat…of ClassiCal.
“…Sorry.”, he apologized. “Can’t be too
He noted SparkChan’s vacant expression, sadness overpowering her
normally cheerful disposition.
“Spark? What’s wrong…?”, Hardman asked, noticing
the look of sorrow at nearly the same time.
“…Oh. It’s…nothing…Just lost in thought,
hun.”, she shrugged, forcing a small smile.
Shadowman looked over her shoulder behind her to watch
Magnetman approach, his cloak spattered in blood. Come to think of it,
there was some blood-like substance on Classi’s armor, though
it was hastily wiped off.
“What the hell happened to you?”, Hardman asked the two
of them simultaneously.
“Minor trouble. It’s fixed now.”, Eigen claimed, pausing
his stride only momentarily to answer the question, his helmet grasped
in his hand.
“Well, are you guys alright?”, Gauntlet asked, though with
a bias more on Classi, given her sullen appearance.
“Yeah…We’re alright. It just got…a little
rough. We’ll be okay…”, she responded, a little bit
distant in her answer.
Gauntlet turned to face Hardman and read his expression
for his take on the situation. Hardy himself was glaring at Magnetman’s
back as he continued his journey through the pipes, which eventually
broke to the surface.
“The hell was that all ‘bout?”, Hardman uttered, beginning
to follow the tight-lipped newcomer out of the tunnel as he watched
Kenta replace his helmet atop his head.
“We’ll find out later. We’re running late in rendezvousing
with the others. But tell me, Classi…You sure you’ll be
good to go?”, Shadowman asked once again.
“I’m…positive. Just in a little bit of shock. Ken-san…has
a few…different methods in fighting.”, Classi explained.
“I’ll bet.”, Hardman surmised. “Anyway…Guess
we should get going.”
“Right.”, the ninja android agreed. With that thought, Gauntlet
switched frequencies on his communicator. “Snake…How’re
you doing?”
Almost a full minute went by.
“…I’m doing.”
“Keep me posted.”
Guantlet didn’t want to further distract his scaly comrade any more than he had to. It was something Raijin had grown to hate when he was taking aim.
“Okay guys…Let’s get a move on.”, he ordered the other Mechs into movement again.
May 31st, 20XX, 9:20 AM , PST
the others reconvened elsewhere, two other Maniacs
were on their way back to the rendezvous point, one
with the intention of showing off his most-useful
payoff of the trip.
“Yeah…This is just what we needed, Top. Just what we needed
to get the job done quicker-“
“’Easier and safer.’ Yeah, I’ve been hearing
that for the last hour, Father Gemini. You can preach to Gauntlet, but
for now, could you just, I don’t know…concentrate on actually
finding real information on that thing? Like what they’re really
after here?”, Topman chastised.
Lennon grunted in simple response, a little sour that
his closest ally on the team was showing signs of genuine annoyance
with him now.
“Well…That Pale Riders-thing is still bothering me…”,
he uttered.
“…You knew they’d find a few of our old ‘pals’ to
come after us. After all, they certainly would have the motivation from
the start.”, SD replied, shrugging his shoulders casually, as
if nothing about it bothered him.
“Motivation! For once, I agree with you, Mechanical Maniacs!”,
a voice announced from…nowhere.
The two stopped dead in their tracks to look around for
the source of the deep voice, but to no avail.
“Oh come now…I’m not that difficult to find. After
all, I’m right…here!”
A swift blow to the face brought Topman to a shaky balance,
yet the assailant remained unseen.
“Rrgh…Coward! Come out and fight like a man, Boomerang!”,
Lennon challenged, recognizing the voice.
“Oh, very glad you haven’t forgotten me, Geminiman. As you
would expect, I haven’t forgotten you.”, the Demon Ninja
mentioned as he materialized a few feet before the pair of Maniacs.
“Sure we haven’t…We haven’t forgotten the massive
beat down we laid on you and the other Quarter Knights, either.”,
Geminiman sneered.
“You always were all about the cheap shots, ‘ninja’.”,
Topman followed up, still rubbing his hand on his face. Had he been
a human, SD would have a very apparent bruise to go along with a broken
jaw. Luckily, robots were much sturdier by nature.
“Nay…I am ‘all about’ the fight. There are
no cheap shots in a battle to the death, after all.”, Boomerang
“Good. Then you won’t take another beating personally.”,
Geminiman countered, splitting into two forms.
“Hoh! I see you believe you need sheer numbers to beat me. Unfortunately
for you, I’ve learned from previous mistakes, robot heathens.”
Boomerang vanishes once again, leaving no trace of his
location, even as the two Maniacs start switching visual frequencies
to track him.
“Damn it! I can’t find him on infrared or ultraviolet! He’s
not just using a cloaking device…”, Topman lamented.
“A device? You believe this skill to be the result of a mere technological
trick? This is one those lessons I mentioned earlier…for your
amusement.”, Boomerang’s voice replied.
Within seconds, both Geminimen found themselves being
beaten with combination attacks, from high punches to low kicks, eventually
ending with both cloned Robot Masters on the dry cement, looking a bit
worse for the wear.
“Ergh! D-damn it!”, Lennon gritted his teeth.
“Len! Get- Augh!”
Topman’s advice was cut short by a viscous kick to the head, sending
the Spinning Demon into a whirling dervish not of his choice, which
ended with him laying further way from his compatriot.
“Augh…Boomerang…You cheap bastard! This isn’t
skill…This is cowardice!”, Geminiman cringed as he watched
Topman clutch his head in agony.
“What you claim to be ‘cowardice’ is simply me evening
the odds against two opponents. But, if your pathetic cries threaten
to spoil my victory, I’ll play this game your way…”,
the otherworldly shinobi claimed as he once again materialized before
Lennon. “Once again, I reiterate that I am not the same Boomerang
your leader so easily tricked into defeat. I have trained for months
to attain the power needed to crush you. All of you. I have even joined
forces with your lowly government to gain access to secrets I needed
to get the upper hand I now wield, Maniacs!”
“Guess you’ve also gained the secret of jibber-jabber, fool!”,
a quickly recovered Topman yelled in the middle of a whirling kick of
his own, which crackled with bright sunset-colored energy.
Boomerang countered the blow with his reinforced gauntlets,
the energy dispersing throughout his arms. In an instant, Topman was
using his Capoeira techniques to whirl in the opposite direction to
deliver a follow up kick, which Boomerang countered with a kick of his
own. The two faced each other in this awkward position, evenly matched
“Hmm…It would appear you haven’t been sitting idly
by, either.”, the ninja proclaimed, commenting on Topman’s
refined attack.
“Heh…”, the Spinning Demon smirked, whirling around
backwards and engaging a Top Spin, shooting a cloud of dust around the
Geminiman was back in action, now reformed into one body,
and proceeded to launch his Gemini Laser towards the mostly-obscured
Demon Ninja. “Oh no…You’re not going to keep me down
that easily, ninja-boy!”
Lennon watched his beam head straight for Boomerang,
but watched it lose its form rapidly the deeper it got into the sudden
dust storm.
“Wha-? Oh…Yeah…Lasers don’t work so well in
dusty environments, naturally…I suppose I’ll have to once
again try it the old fashioned way…”, Lennon shrugged,
splitting into three copies this time. “Let’s see you blindly
dodge a Gemini Collision AND a Top Spin! Hah!”
May 31st, 20XX, 11:49 AM , PST
“Guess we’re the first ones back…”, Classi
observed, looking over the slightly-more familiar landscape of their
initial arrival point in LA. Everything blurred together in the wake
of destruction, however. It was hard to tell. She wouldn’t have
even known this was the rendezvous point had she not marked it within
her digital memory.
“Hope the others are doing alright.”, Shadowman remarked. “Well,
until they get here…You guys ready to talk about what you saw
out there?”
“…An enemy.”, Magnetman muttered.
“Obviously.”, Hardy chuckled. “Now, next question;
“A man called ‘Viscous’.”, Classi followed up
with. “He claimed to be a member of the government-backed team,
named the ‘Pale Riders’, I think.”
“I see…Did he seem familiar at all?”, Gauntlet asked,
intently listening.
“No…Not at all…But he was very powerful…He
almost beat us before…”
“’Fore what?”, Hardman asked of the electric lady.
“Before…Ken-san stepped in and…saved me. ”,
she said, a bit quieter.
“And by ‘saved’, I assume he killed this man?”,
Gauntlet asked, knowing the obvious answer from the reaction on Classi’s
face and the blood on Kenta’s uniform.
“…He…He had to…”, Classi defended. “There
was no other way.”
Inwardly, a single image had burned itself into ClassiCal’s
mind. The image of the quiet, shy man she had come to know in the
past few weeks was now obscured behind the image of Kenta playing
in Viscous’s blood after mercilessly crushing him to death.
And enjoying it.
For now, she opted to leave this bit of information
out of the report to the ninja leader, out of fear of causing any
more troubles for the stressed out team. She hoped it was simply Ken-san
temporarily losing control…She hoped it wasn’t the true
nature of this man…
Gauntlet looked over to Kenta, who looked back at him
with those dull eyes of his, partially obscured by the blood-matted
hair that lay messily atop his head, as he had opted to carry his
helmet by hand.
“I see. Well, the important thing is that you two made it back
in one piece. It would have been nice to have been a little more low
key, but if it had to be, it had to be.”, Gauntlet surmised.
“We ran inta some trouble ourselves…”, Hardman
chimed in, realizing a change of subject was in order.
“Ah yes…Dr Wily has sent the Warriors for us, with Bass
as their commander”, Shadowman continued.
“Starnik?”, Classi perked up. “Maybe he’ll
be able to help us?”
“Not friggin’ likely. Bass is doin’ the Stalin-thing
and forcin’ them ta find an’ fight us. Sumthin’ ‘bout
Wily wantin’ to gain power through us, or some crap.”,
Hardman said, rubbing his eye wearily.
“The Pale Riders…and Dr Wily himself? It sounds as though
we have more powerful enemies after us…”, Kenta finally
spoke up.
“Whoa now…Th’ Warriors ain’t our enemies…We’re
jus’ on opposite sides today. Trust me, they don’ wanna
be here any more than us.”, Hardman reassured.
“Then…What are we to do? You cannot simply shrug them
off as you did the Sinister Six. If they need to be vanquished…”,
Eigen battled back.
“Let’s not go there.”, Gauntlet warned. “Just
do your best to avoid fighting unless we really have to. We’re
not here to kill anyone. I also believe that Starnik and the gang
will do their best to lead Bass away from us. Its not like he actually
wants to fight with old friends.”
“But there are people here to kill us…”, a newcomer
“Ah…Needle. Where’s Snake?”, Shadowman quizzed.
“He’s…sorting out some issues with an old ‘friend’ of
his.”, she answered, her vagueness easy to see through.
“Th’ Judge?”, Hardman guessed, thinking back to
the scene from the chopper earlier in the day.
“Yeah…Snake wanted to settle it one on one…”,
Needle said, quietly.
“Hmm…Well…He’s a master at search and destroy,
and a brilliant sniper these days. I’m confident he’ll
be able to beat The Judge again…”, Gauntlet commented.
“But it might be awhile. Sniper battles are usually very long
winded, but I’m hoping he finishes up soon. We need him.”
“So, I suppose we’ll have to wait for Gem and Toppy to
get back and then go on without Raijy?”, Classi in quizzed.
“Or, we can have a chat with our new friend.”, Needle
suddenly said, alerting everyone to another person’s presence.
About a hundred meters away stood a man they observed
exiting the copter earlier in the day. A man with a long dark coat
covering obvious military-grade clothing, and a riot cop-like face
shield, it’s visor tinted so darkly as to completely obscure
his face.
The man continued to look upon the Maniacs in uncomfortable
silence before announcing his intentions…With a rifle.
Hardman scoffed, laughing as he stood in front of his
comrades. A mere rifle against four tons of armor? Even a Sherman tank
would have trouble putting even a shallow dent in his chest plate,
let alone a little pea-shooter.
The visor-baring man simply took aim, ignoring Hardman’s deep
Perhaps it was the actual sound of the gun that initially
tipped off Hardy- it sure wasn’t standard fare. Maybe it was
the sound of the bullet hitting him, which sounded more innocent
than it felt- like a baseball smacking into a car door. Or perhaps
it was the sudden hollow point that was now carved straight through
Hardman’s torso, high on his right shoulder, but still through
something crucial within his chest.
In either case, Hardman slumped to his knees, more
out of shock than pain. He touched his massive hand to the new nook
in his body, which trickled oily blood, despite all logic available
to him.
The man across the wasteland simply ejected the spent
round from his rifle, making way for another magnetized armor-piercing
“No! Hardy!”, SparkChan shrieked in horror beside her
fallen comrade.
“Imma a’right…I’m alright….”,
he gasped, lying just a little.
The man took aim once again, this time aiming towards
the big man’s center of mass.
However, he didn’t quite pull the trigger again just yet.
“You’re out of your element, Maniacs. You have absolutely no idea how far deep this thing runs.”
“Go ta Hell!” Hardman
sputtered in retaliation.
“What do you mean?”, Shadowman yelled in spite of his large friend’s command. “Who are you working for?”
The man shrugged. “It’s a long story. I don’t have the patience to relay it to you, but if you want, you can surrender and I’m sure they’d be glad to tell you all about it.”
“Surrender…?”, Needle repeated as if offended. “And admit we did this? No way.”
“Yeah.”, Gauntlet backed her up. “Not happening.”
“Didn’t think so.”, the man surmised. “I think…I owe you this much, though.
They’re gonna be running this country after this is seen through. If you give up and side with them, maybe they’ll pardon you. Or clear your name. But I know you ain’t going to get anywhere if you fight us. You’re gonna die. Don’t waste yourselves.”
“…Conspirators.”, Gauntlet whispered to himself. “…Can it be…?”
“Can it be who?”, Classi asked, sensing he knew more to the story. That part didn’t really surprise her all that much. In the years she had known Shadowman, he had proven to be a wellspring of knowledge when you least expected it from him.
“The Horsemen…?”, he muttered to himself. “I had guessed they were on the verge of something big…But this? No, its too much for them.”
“Whattya ramblin’ about?” the wounded two ton tank grumbled through gritted teeth.
“The United States has its share of enemies. Not all of them are public, as you can imagine. The Feds’ biggest enemies are some of its own, known as the Four Horsemen. I don’t know too much about them, but from what I’ve heard, they’re pretty well funded and apparently hold some offices in the Pentagon. Maybe even the White House.”, Gauntlet informed.
“So…”, Kenta interjected. “These ‘Horsemen’ appear to resemble an Illuminati-type organization. That’s…Not very encouraging.”
“No…No, it isn’t.” the cyber shinobi concurred. “I had a feeling something like this might happen, but I didn’t want to be directly involved in it. Too much of a mess.”
“And yet…Here we are.”, Classi sourly observed.
“Kinda sounds like we’re in some deep shit…”, Hardman further added.
“Agreed.”, Magnetman whispered as he slipped on his helmet yet again.
“Had enough of a huddle session, ladies?”, shouted the man, once again making his presence known. “If you’re not coming with me, you’re in for a hard time.”, he warned.
“Like my associate just said: ‘go to Hell.”, Shadowman answered back.
He pulled the trigger, and electricity sparked to life,
caught the bullet in midair, and immediately tossed it aside to
an unknown resting place. Anywhere, so long as it stayed far away
from her friend’s body. SparkChan’s electric field successfully
nullified the advantage of the magnetic bullet.
The man in the visor simply stood there for a few seconds,
observing the scene. He then simply shouldered the gun and made a quick,
ominous motion with his hand as he turned back.
“The hard way it is, then…”
Before the Mechs could launch a counterattack on the
dark-clothed man, a few faces emerged from various points, all of whom
the Mechs had seen leave the copter alongside the visor-wearing man.
It was clear as to their one and only mission here: violence.
The group of ex-Robot Cops braced themselves around the
kneeling Hardman, knowing what was to come next.
May 31st, 20XX, 12:12 PM , PST
It had been a few hours since he
reactivated Mambo, whom was still sitting idly in the dark basement
of the anonymous structure below the city streets. Since then, Snakeman
had crawled back to the surface, remaining hidden in the multiple
mounds of crumbled mortar and oxidized steel. He was inching about
at a snail’s pace now, trying his best to avoid detection from
the Jury.
At one point, he had climbed to the highest location
he could find- about twelve feet above the ground- to take a quick survey
of the land. He was certainly putting one of Dr Light’s latest
gadgets to the ultimate field test now. With the Transmetal Two upgrade,
Snakeman received a new kind of mapping system, which worked by taking
pictures of the land in conjunction with his own Search Snake’s
movements. Though his serpent-like drones were long-since inactive,
the info they had gathered was still within his memory bank. With the
pictures he was taking as he inched about in his search for clues to
the Judge’s location, he now had a decent map that projected itself
within his mind’s eye.
The Jury was now spread out much further apart than before.
The four that had been previously trapped in the sewer by Snakeman hours
earlier were once again on the surface, and along with the other eight
were slowly and meticulously surveying the area. With no sign of Snakeman
for the past four hours, the Jury had spread itself out over a square
mile to hunt him down.
Every now and then, the Judge himself would pop into
Snakeman’s radio with some antagonizing words. Eerily enough,
there was no hint of impatience in the serial killer’s voice.
More than likely, the Judge was enjoying the possibility of Snakeman
sweating it out.
And indeed, if he could sweat, Snakeman would be drenched
in it by now. He now had a plan of action, but it was very dangerous.
Everything was now in place, however, so all he needed was for one of
the Jurors to pass by in one of its now-routine sweeps.
After another half hour, one of them finally did. It
hovered along the ground, passing by at an agonizing two miles per hour.
From his current hiding place beneath a discrete pile of debris alongside
a crumbled wall, Snakeman could see the orb’s camera dart about
within the deep-tinted plastic covering.
Wait for it.
It finally passed Snakeman’s hiding place. He had to be quick,
and he had to time his movements against the camera’s. He couldn’t
allow it to let off a single shot. He still wasn’t sure how well
these things were networked with each other, or the Judge, for that
matter. But, he had nothing else to work with.
Deftly, he emerged from the rock and leapt towards the
orb when its camera was opposite of him. He had seven-eighths of a second
at this point to do what he needed to do, and flawlessly. In mind flight,
as time seemed to grind to an abrupt halt, he watched the camera whirl
back towards him as the machine heard him erupt from his residence,
along with the bottom-mounted gun.
In one fluid motion, Snakeman’s right hand palmed the front of
the orb while his left took a vigorous hold on the gun muzzle, keeping
it away from him. Just before they crashed to the ground, Snakeman was
already in the motion of tearing the machine gun from it’s base
before it even had the chance to fire off a stray shot.
As Snakeman’s body smashed into the ground, he tried to put as
much weight as he could towards the Juror’s mass, smashing it
down as hard as possible. He managed to shatter the lower half of the
sphere as it’s copter blades ground into the floor, eventually
digging too far into the Earth and burning up it’s small motor.
Snakeman lay there, his arms outstretched in front of
him with the mutilated Juror in his grasp, for an eternity. He breathed
heavily for several minutes while trying to control his breaths as he
listened intently on the world around him. He focused on any sounds
that were out of place. Anything but the wind may bring death at this
After five minutes of laying completely still, Snakeman
dared to stand up very slowly, his grip still held fast on the destroyed
drone. It seemed as though the Jury worked completely independent of
one another, as they’d surely be flocking to this area by now
if they knew one of their own was down.
Wearily, he sat against a wall as he looked over his
catch. Hunting down each and every Juror like this would eventually
lead him to death. No, he caught this one for a more specific reason.
Prying his fingers into the remaining shell of the orb, he peeled that
back to search for a specific component.
Ah…There it is.
After a few clicks, he had his prize- the Juror’s battery. After
examining the EMP’s casing and studying the Jury as they flittered
about, he noted how they were both built by the same manufacturer. Long
ago, he found that even the biggest corporations saved money by using
as many components as they could on as many of their products as possible,
with the armaments industry being no different.
Discarding the Juror’s useless husk in a rubble pile, Snakeman
took the burnt out EMP in his hand and opened it up, eventually finding
the battery housing. EMP’s, after all, needed to be powered in
some way. Taking out the used up cell from the electronic disruption
device, he placed it on the ground, next to the Juror’s own cell
for comparison.
Snakeman allowed himself another small smirk.