Series 9 - The Road Less Traveled

Snakeman: What if we just .... don't?

Topman: What do you mean "what if we just don't?"

Snakeman: We've been fighting against Crorq this entire time and look where it's got us: Living like rats with all our former enemies.

Magnetman: We sure have fallen far. It still stings.

Snakeman: Right. Fighting the RPD has brought us nothing but misery. So why don't we just leave it to someone else for a change?

Shadowman: NO! That would mean I forfeit my revenge and that cannot be allowed!

Needlegal: I don't care about your revenge!

Topman: Yeah, I don't care about it either.

Geminiman: Nor I.

Sparkman: I don't even really know Crorq, so if nobody else wants to go I'm fine with that.

Hardman: You've always been too hung up on that. I hate Crorq too, but the others are right. He's more trouble than he's worth.

Shadowman: *Gak! Sputter* But not caring about revenge is like .... not caring someone said something nasty about you on the internet!

Needlegal: I don't care about that either.

Shadowman: GAH! Well, fine! If nobody else cares about sweet, sweet revenge then just fine! We'll ditch! And see just how great that turns out.



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E-Can Factory
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MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
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