Time After Time Part 3

A Christmas update, but not Christmas themed at all. I conclude Ben’s adventure in his ideal world. Yeah me, Ben wrote himself into a corner. It comes to an epic close as a video game army challenges our heroes! But that’s not all. The truth behind Ben’s dream world is revealed. Can he save even some of it? Here’s the conclusion to Time After Time!

Time After Time Part 2

Ben’s still in his dream world where his best friend Gary is still alive, the Mechs are odd colours, and the adventures are goofy and full of guest stars!

Time After Time Part 1

Ben’s writing continues! With it more throwback epilogues! Ben’s back … as Fireman of the Sinister Six!? He’s happy about it, but something smells a little fishy …

Whatever Happened to the Warriors?

A new … Wily’s Warriors adventure!? What? Well, Ben, who was their Heatman, asked me … like two years ago if it was okay for me to post the last story he ever wrote for the team. I said sure and asked him to just add a bit at the end since it actually makes for a good ending to their entire series. It’s the long awaited ending to their series, so go and check it out!

The Mechs Meet and Art

It came, it rocked, and now it’s over. And once more a log of this year’s Mechs Meet is now up. This time it’s brought to you by none other than myself (with some additions by Magnet and Snake) instead of just Snake himself taking notes. So it’s a slightly different flavor of log this time around.

And here’s some long-awaited art I’ve wanted to add to the galleries. I’ve been saving these for a rainy day, but there’s actually a backlog of content to be posted, so the sooner, the better! Here’s some recent-ish art I made inspired by Captain N and some old Megaman Team Community Christmas art made when that was a whole thing. It features the Mechs, so I figured I’d post it up here.

What’s New is Old

So now you know the untold story of the New Sinister Six. But did you know the Mechanical Maniacs played an integral part in it all? It’s true! Read all about it in What’s New is Old.

Also, all this S6 stuff made me nostalgic, so I updated a bit on the S6’s old page. I remade the Nostalgia Section so it has a layout like one of the S6’s old ones (and added an old Main Page to complete the look). That version of the site was never properly saved anywhere and it kind of went through an evolution. I also found (and archived) Ben’s version of the site (which is probably by favorite version). It’s a pity Archive didn’t have the background (and that Ben himself didn’t have it anymore either). There was also a mess of broken backgrounds and tables, so I fixed that as well.

What’s Old is New

It’s throwback Thursday! After compiling notes for the Megaman Teams Wiki I couldn’t help but be reminded that the story of the New Sinister Six’s introduction was left to notes on the site and references in a joke epilogue I made to fill the void at the start of their series. You see, the Sinister Six stories weren’t written in order so there was once large gaps in the series with placeholders for half formed ideas and half written stories. A big hole that was never filled was the introduction to the New Sinister Six.

Well, no longer! It’s high time the hole was filled! So it must be, so shall it be! Based on the notes Gary left behind I bring you the intro of the New Sinister Six: What’s Old is New!

The Foxy Seven

Series 9

The old into to the Sinister Six’s Year of the Fox was really, really different from the rest of the story. This obscure part of S6 lore shows the origin of Ben’s furry alter ego which was just a bit at odds with the rest of the story. This piece of lore has never been followed up on in any way and that just ain’t right. So why not now, after over a decade after it was written? Makes sense to me!

So read on for the latest epilogue – The Foxy Seven!