Ballade’s Battlers! The Finale!

All good things are worth waiting for. Including the conclusion to Ballade’s Battlers! It’s our heroes, Androids and Ballade against the world, as they’re beset by suzies, RPD, and a darker force that intends to consume them all. But will this shaky team destroy themselves before their foes have a chance? Tune in to find out!

By Any Other Name

Capcom shocks the world by announcing that Torchman is now an official Robot Master! Wait, it’s not the Torchman we know and love? Oh no. This can only spell trouble!

This ep was made by Spark, Snake and I during the Mechs Meet just a few weeks ago. We’re going a little out of order here, but we wanted to get this up ASAP, while everyone’s still hyped about Megaman 11. Hope you all enjoy it!

The Rise of a New Team!

Well, I dunno who this ‘Spaaaaaaaaaark’ is who blew the July update. But he (or she) really let things slide and should be ashamed him (or her)self.

But finger pointing aside, it would be a little disingenuous to say this is a Cossack’s Comrades update. For that team is no more! There is only…Ballade’s Battlers!

Yes, half the Comrades and half the Ascendant Androids have joined forces with Ballade to form a new MM4 Gameboy team that will change everything! What exactly is in store for this new team? Only Ballade knows for sure. Let’s just hope a brewing suzy rebellion doesn’t crush Ballade’s lifelong dream before can get off the ground!

Ballade’s Battlers?!

The Mechs had a chance to shine the last couple months. Now it’s our turn!

You know your archenemy has worn out his welcome when he’s outlasted all but one or two members of your team. But the only thing sadder is when you realize you don’t even know why he hates your guts so much. Our heroes along with the Ascendant Androids of all people try to get to the bottom of Ballade’s irrational prejudice in the game-changing Ballade’s Battlers!

Old bonds will be shattered! New alliances will be forged! And nothing will be the same!

How the Mighty Have Fallen Part 2

Out Mighty adventure continues! Can the Mechanical Maniacs save their new lives as the all-new Mighty Numbers!? And, more importantly … will they even want to!? Geoff’s long-awaited story / commentary reaches it’s conclusion!

How the Mighty Have Fallen Part 1

No, this isn’t an April Fool’s day joke – it really is an epilogue about Mighty Number 9 – a game’s everyone’s already said their peace about! Geoff pens a tale of madness, hubris, and ambition all rolled into two tidy parts.

Who are the Mighty Numbers and what have they to do with the Mechanical Maniacs? Everyone’s jumping aboard the bandwagon before even really knowing what they’re getting into. What can possibly go wrong?

Straight From the Headlines!

We all know that Russians and fake news are (tragically) the in-thing at the moment. So why not have a little fun with it our latest ep, Straight from the Headlines! Actually, the breaking news in that ep isn’t fake. Though as bizarre as some of the headlines are, they should be. Can the Comrades get to the bottom of it? It’s an old ep crafted by our veteran writer Skullman (Hunter) who hasn’t let us down yet. And deserves more than letting hos old stories get locked a dusty old vault.

Just remember, whatever you read here, you read it here first!

And on a sidenote, I’ve been told that some of the sprites in our old ep, Legend of Ringman were busted or even non-existent.  I went through and fixed up all the missing or busted sprites I could find.  Though if there are more, the forum’s one click away.

Encore Part 2

It’s the first new epilogue of a brand new year! And what better way to start things off than to dwell on the distant past? Encore Part 2 is now up! And this one actually contains the long-lost intro to the new Sinister Six (which I re-purposed to fit their current continuity).

But that’s not all! I finally noticed that the old Sinister Six Epilogue Contest was never sprited. Yeah, the winner of that thing has been lost to time along with every single other submission. But now the runner ups can be read as proper epilogues. And, yes. I do, occasionally, preform site maintenance on the old site.

Cookies Part 2!

Is there a better way to spend your holidays than with a bunch of rowdy Commie robots? Let’s hope not. Because Part 2 of Cookies! is open for business! From here on, things get really off-the-wall, in no small part thanks to a power-crazed Toadman, and Pharaoh’s alter ego’s tenuous grasp on reality. And things can only get worse before they get better. But that’s all part of the fun, and we all know it!