Encore Part 1

A few years ago, when I was making the long lost origin of the S6 I had totally forgotten this epilogue even existed!

Back in the day Gary really struggled with how to introduce the "new" Sinister Six and went through several ideas. I remember he asked for my help on it once, but I didn’t like some of the ideas presented and couldn’t really think of a good way to get them to work. Years passed by and I made a "filler" story for him as a joke and shortly afterwards he died. And the story went completely forgotten.

And then I rediscovered it right after filling in the gap myself. Welp, it can still be salvaged! Presenting Encore Part 1! This story deals with some of Gary’s old ideas for an S6 revival that just didn’t see the light of day.

Continuity-wise the story takes place shortly after Ice VS Red and at the end of Series 4.

Comrades New Ep?


Neither fate, apathy or a bum copy of Dreamweaver can keep a good commie sub down! Here’s an ep a long time coming: Cookies!, penned by our lovable mummy mistress herself, Pharaohwoman!

What do cookies, a senile baker, Met Daddy and a power-crazed Toadman add up to? Short answer: pure madness. Long answer: even more pure madness. But don’t take my word for it. Read it and see for yourself!

Now that I’ve got a steady copy of Dreamweaver once again, I can go back to making monthly updates like I ought to. Believe me, I’ve got enough old unposted eps to keep me going for a while! At least we all have something to look forward to.

Polluting Powers Combine

This was a long time coming. I’ve had the idea for a Captain Pollution story for a while now, but didn’t have enough actual "story" to make it happen for ages. But if a standard story doesn’t work, how about a non-standard one? Read on to see what happens when the Mechs cross paths with the greatest environmental villain of all – Captain Pollution!

Invasion Part 1

Duo comes to Earth to face off against Galactic Council member Trio. And he recruits none other than the Mechanical Maniacs to help him! But why’s everyone acting so goofy!?

Cossack’s Comrades?!


You were expecting somebody else?  Well, a new team has slid under the broad team umbrella the Mechanical Maniacs has generously provided.  And it’s your favorite Mega Man 4 team and mine, Cossack’s Comrades!  Our last webhost has gotten particularly frustrating to use between its archaic user interface to spontaneously blinking out at the drop of a hat, I decided enough was enough, called in a favor to my old pal Shadowman, and now here we are!!

It’s everything you knew and loved about the Comrades, and more! For not only do the Comrades have a new home, they have a new story to tell to boot! And not just any story, the final installment to Dive’s Inferno, Canto X: Treachery! Our (anti) hero has finally reached the final stretch of the Hell, and his escape/salvation is so close he can taste it! And he’s not going to let various damned traitors or even Lucifer himself stand in his way! Unfortunately, Dante’s luck turns on him when he finds out everything he knows is wrong, he stands on the verge of losing everything, and all of creation could suffer alongside with him! You’ve read this far and waited this long on the edge of your seat. You deserve to know how it all really ends!

Ascendant Androids Sound Off!

The last, but the prettiest – Raijin brings us Crystalgirl of the Ascendant Androids! I must admit, I’m a sucker for shiny things. Evidently this design was based, not just of his old sprite, but also off the former Crystal’s own artwork for the design she created.

And that brings us to the end of Raijin’s Ascendant Android project. Hope you all enjoyed!