
Does it matter if
the wallpaper is only 800 X 600?


The browsers will stretch
it just fine.

It looks like crud when stretched.
Make some at higher resolutions.


Well, it’s been two months since Series 4 ended ……. High time for Series 5 to begin!

Exciting I know. But here’s the catch: Unlike Series 4 this series will not be updated regularly.

The epilogue today is one I particularly like. “How the Mechanical maniacs Met Everyone!” A retro tale detailing how we …… met everyone!

Anyways, unless you’re blind or an idiot or something you must have noticed the poll next to the updates. Y’see it has been recently brought to my attention that my wallpapers are kinda small and that resizing them may actually make them worse for people with really big monitors. So, I wonder …….. should I make bigger version of my wallpapers for you guys who have bigger monitors? It works out fine for me the way it is, but it may not be so for everyone. See, unlike other webmasters, I care. So, vote! Because when you don’t vote …… you let other people make the decision FOR you.
