Darkman's Robot Warriors

Announcer's Voice: Roll up! Roll up! See the Fabulous Freaks!

Stone ManStone: Well, I would... but it's pitch black in here- I can't see anything!

Announcer's Voice: Alright, alright... give me a minute...

The lights go on, revealing that the announcer is in fact...

Mega ManMega Man: Oh, hi Stone!

Stone ManStone: Mega Man? What are you doing here?

Mega ManMega Man: Its my new job- I ran away to join the circus!

Stone ManStone: Yeah, Dr Light did mention something about that...

Mega ManMega Man: What? Was he looking for me?

Stone ManStone: Uh yeah. Actively looking.

Mega ManMega Man: Sigh. I didn't know he cared. Anyway, I can't go back- I'm the freak-show announcer now!

Stone ManStone: Right... So where are the freaks?

Mega ManMega Man: Here! Me!! I'm the freak!

Stone ManStone: ...(You don't say)...

Mega ManMega Man (grabbing Stone's hand): And you too! You're a freak too!!

Gyro ManGyro: Yeah, us too apparently.

Stone ManStone: Gyro, Napalm... Not much of a freak show, huh?

Napalm ManNapalm: Well, I dunno- I saw a man with a funny toupee a while ago.

Mega ManMega Man: Don't you understand? Everybody is a freak in their own special way! You must embrace your freakishness!!

Stone ManStone (calling outside the tent): Hey, Doc! He's in here!

Dr LightDr Light (walking in): Mega Man! Where have you been all this time? Come back to the lab right away!

Mega ManMega Man: I can't! I refuse to be dominated now that I've discovered my true inner-self! I am special- a special person!

Dr LightDr Light: You haven't been watching Oprah have you?

Mega ManMega Man: What special people watch is their own prerogative.

Dr LightDr Light (grabbing Mega Man by the ear): You're coming with me young man. I think you need your circuits re-wired! (drags Mega Man off)

Mega Man's voice from outside: You won't break my spirit! I AM a freak! I will always be one!!

Gyro ManGyro: Well that was entertaining.

Stone ManStone: Worth the admission fee on its own, I reckon.

Napalm ManNapalm: There was no admission fee, Stone.

Gyro ManGyro: Right. So what should we do now?

Napalm ManNapalm: Now that we've seen the hopeless sideshow...I wanna ride the Salami-coaster!

Stone ManStone: Salami-coaster it is then.

You heard the big man- get ready for the Salami-coaster!


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC