Darkman's Robot Warriors

So Stone and Wave race to the Ghost Train, only to find...

Stone ManStone: There's nothing here.

Wave ManWave: Not true- look!

Sure enough, there is a wooden post

Stone ManStone: Yeah, but thats just a wooden post. Nothing interesting about that.

Wave ManWave: Not true- look!

Sure enough, there is a sign on the wooden post

Stone ManStone (reading sign): "PRESS BUTTON FOR GHOSTRAIN" ...But there is no button!

Wave ManWave: Not true- look!

Sure enough, there is a button on the sign on the wooden post

Stone ManStone: Okay, I get the picture. (presses the button)

Wave ManWave: Oooh! This is spooky!! ...Will you hold my hand?

Stone ManStone: No.

Wave ManWave: How about my hook?

Stone ManStone: No. Lets just wait for the ride, okay?

Wave ManWave: Well, its not really a hook- more of a spear.

Stone ManStone (looks heavenward): Why, oh why, oh why...

A drop of water hits Stone in the eye while he is looking up

Stone ManStone: Hey- It's starting to rain!

Suddenly a huge downpour occurs

Stone ManStone: Ack! Lets find some shelter before we get drenched!

Wave ManWave: But we're not getting drenched.

Stone ManStone (ignoring him): Well of course you wouldn't care, you're Wave Man... wait- what did you say?

Wave ManWave: We're not getting drenched- this rain is going straight through us!

Stone ManStone (holds out his hand): You're right! I... I get it! The sign didn't say Ghost TRAIN, it said Ghost RAIN!

Wave ManWave: You don't have to spell it out so obviously, our readers aren't stupid.

Stone ManStone: Yeah, yeah... Okay, Charge isn't here, where else should we look?

Wave ManWave (running off): Over... there... Salami...

So Stone runs off after Wave, towards the Salami-coaster


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
Sprites INC