Needlegal TM3

Topman’s been experiencing delays in his revision to Genesis End, so here’s Needlegal in her spiffy new Transmetal 3 armor! Well, I say "new", but it’s mainly tweakes colors and a new hat. Her armor was designed first and at the time an entire line of new armor for the team wasn’t planned. That was scrapped when Rich got around to doing Gemini’s armor (who was second, if I recall correctly).

Genesis End – 12 & 13


“I’m certain, now, that I understand what happened here,” Ha’Khael said as he swept his hands along the air, almost like a mime might. He stopped. “Ahhh, yes, there it is. It’s like I said, once you know the intent, detecting the spell is child’s play.”

“What are you saying,” Gemini asked, “that you know how these people are being murdered?”


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Along with the latest Genesis End chapters here’s a picture of Geminiman in his Transmetal 3 armor.

Genesis End – 10 & 11

It was late, and any avenues worth exploring would have to wait for the waking world. We were returning to the briefing room, Ha’Khael in tow, where he would be escorted to a safehouse by Gemini Man after the meeting was over.

“Will I ever escape my poor reputation?” The young-looking mage smiled shyly as we left the morgue on foot. Ha’Khael couldn’t teleport into RPD Headquarters, of course, but even if he could we didn’t really want him out of our sight for long.


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Genesis End – 9

It felt like we were still waiting deep into the night. I couldn’t be sure, though. Something was interfering with my internal clock and I couldn’t sync it up to any online network to check. As the wait began to weigh on us, I could practically feel Shadow Man seething. His impatience was quite uncharacteristic of him, but I chalked it up to his contempt for working with someone as untrustworthy as he’d deemed Ha’Khael to be. Gemini was reading some of Ha’Khael’s books, although I couldn’t be sure if he was genuinely interested or just putting on airs. I don’t think his pride had fully recovered from Ha’Khael’s quips. The demon himself seemed to pass the time contentedly wrapped up in his work. Being in the same room as him was unnerving at first after all I’d heard about him, but he didn’t same dangerous at all, in fact he ignored us for the most part.

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Back on track … somewhat. Just one chapter this time. Also, Top decided to slightly revise the previous eight chapters as well. Nothing plot-related has changed, but various small things have.

Spark Chan TM3

Genesis End is undergoing a bit of a review. In the meantime here’s a pic of Spark Chan in her Transmetal 3 amour.

Topman TM3

Taking a bit of a break from Genesis End to show the Transmetal 3 version of Topman drawn for the bios. All the Mech portraits have been completed and I’ll show them all off on the front page as time goes by.

Genesis End – 7 & 8

We were seemingly no closer to finding what we were looking for after a good two hours of wandering the cavern’s maze-like interior. Lennon was leading, and though he weaved his way through the paths carefully and with purpose, his trail was like that of a drunk. He would often walk the longer route around a precipice, or take great lengths to avoid unassuming stones or steps. Still, Gauntlet echoed Lennon’s movements as if he were the former’s shadow, so I could only assume it was important to follow suit, though I did so much less successfully. For the first time in a long time I’d had to retract my wheels, and I was both unbalanced and slow-going as I staggered over rocks clumsily and slipped into the icy grip of countless puddles. Besides being incredibly uncomfortable, I was made more miserable by the realization of just how vulnerable I was to enemy attacks, without level ground, open space or speed at my advantage.

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Genesis End – 5 & 6

Only short moments after I’d spoken, a vicious roar exploded from the enraged robot across the table from me. Before I could register what had happened, a fist the size of my whole upper body was careening towards me at break-neck speed. Within a second I would have been pulverized, but something shot like a bullet from my left, and in the next instant I was on the floor and the Hard Knuckle smashed into the wall behind me, mere inches above my head.

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Genesis End – 3 & 4

It was late in the morning when I felt that I had cleaned enough of my quarters to justify a break. Hard Man had long left to "do his own thing", which was his usual gruff answer the days he wasn’t needed on the force, and Needle Gal was, as expected, elsewhere. So I decided to skate into town. One of my talents, thanks to our armour upgrades, was the ability to absorb kinetic energy from every turn of the skates’ wheels to store for later attacks, delivering an explosive force with every kick. So it seemed sensible to skate and gather up some spare energy, rather than sit alone in an empty base so big that it only reminded me more of how small I’d been feeling lately.

‘Get a grip’, I thought to myself. ‘You’re starting to sound like Wave Man.’

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Genesis End – 1 & 2

"Home is where the heart is."

I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but in times of crisis, clichés are rarely helpful. Especially in those instances where you’re a robot, and your "heart" is a complex system of wires and a processing core. But I digress, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.


Another refurbished story is on it’s way, this time from Topman. Made at the same time as Working With Ghosts, Genesis End was halted by the Business of War. I took it upon myself to finish it. I hope you enjoy the newest installement in the Mechs’ series.

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