Back in the day, this page achieved high recognition because I relied to the many flames that were thrown at us in a section called the “Ass holes speak”. When I moved to the new server, Classic Gaming had a bit of a problem with profanity used there and also the flames had cooled allot, so I ditched the section. Well, lost content always bothered me, so I waited until a time when I could return the section. Now, armed with a powerful disclaimer placed prominately on the page, the section returns! And I’ve added a new entry to it as well (which will mark the final update for that section). View the old section in the miscellaneous page.

A few days ago I was contacted by a dude who actually own one of the pirate games listed on my page – Rockman the Power Battle PC! Go to the Chinese games page to see startling discoveries and information that will intrigue you for an entire minute! Also, I added more to the “Rockboard” game.

Finally, I split up the pirate games page. There’s just too many images! Y’know, I once told Auto that Rock wasn’t too popular among pirates, and he told me I was dead wrong ……. and it looks like I was.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot. TV images of Needle and Hard have been added to the bios. Courtesy of Wolf Eclispe.
