it took a good, LONG while to get needle to finish writing up updates to her costume gallery, but they’re all finally up there. Including an update to Phoenix about the time she met one of her favorite writers – Neil Gaiman! All the entires have been formatted to match the first few ones as well, detailing awards and when and where she wore the costumes first.
Now you can check out her newest entires: Amazonia Wonder Woman, Princess Peach, Liliana Vess, and Steampunk Phoenix!
But that’s not all. Chech out the Secret Page for long-lost unfinished works by Hardman, lovingly found by own Snakeman and put to the site by myself.
Tags: cosplay
I tried to e-mail this to Gaunlet, but there was something wrong with my computer.
Anyway, I went on the Sinister6 site. The last time I was on there I was 12 years old.
Back then, I was taking presriction pills that some “dirty doctor” gave me. Now,
I’m off the med’s that impacted my brain during that time. The point is that I just got done read the mainpage on Jan.,10, 2011…. I so sorry about what happened to Gary Martin. If it makes you guys feel better, I still have,and read epilogues he made. Also,
if I just wasted your time I apologize. I’ll understand if you don’t want me to send any
comment or anything. Just let me know and I’ll be out of your hair
I’m glad to hear that Gary’s stories touched your life. And I’m sure he’d be glad of it too. The Sinister Six will remain online forever if Magnet and I have anything to say on the subject.