The Unnamed: A Mechanical Maniacs Mini-Novel

Chapter 5

"Alrighty, then!" Needlegal began, "To do this right, we'll split our forces and interview all the villains which could have sent Bizarro after us!"

 The "˜Maniacs all nodded as they sat at breakfast.  It was the morning after the attack on their base.   The dining room was still intact, although none of the computers worked.  The furnishings were humble enough, a simple wooden table to eat on and a few pictures of the team hung on the walls.  Naturally it was in stark contrast to the golden walls filled with alien technology.  Shadowman said he liked the irony and the rest of the team agreed.

"I volunteer to stay home!  Just in case anyone comes by to loot us or something," Geminiman chimed in.

"Good idea.  While a lot of our really cool stuff was lost when the Technodorme (our second base) was blown up, I wouldn't want anyone laying their grubby paws on any of the stuff we have here."

Hardman was quick to speak up, "I volunteer to keep Geminiman company!"  The rest of the "˜maniacs rolled their eyes and chuckled.

"Heh, too late, Hard.  Lennon asked first," said Shadowman.  Hardman grunted and Lennon tried not to look too smug.

"So, who do we have to torture to get our answers?"  Snakeman asked, looking entirely too serious for someone on what is supposed to be a "super hero team". 

Magnetman shrugged, "I dunno, man.  We haven't really had much of a challenge lately."

However, Needlegal saw one group of suspects immediately.  "Not so, Magnet!  You forgot that a bunch of our old enemies have come back to make life miserable for us!  Those "Sinister Six" people.  They teamed up with Bizarro before.  They could have done so again."

"Don't rule out Wily," said Topman, "We just sent his cronies to the slammer!  He could have sent Bizarro out to get some revenge.  Is there any one else who coulda sent Bizarro?  I don't think he has many friends."

Shadowman remembered all of Bizarro's old acquaintances.  It was galling to think there was a patchwork version of himself running around being an idiot.  "Well, Bizarro was created by Doc Robot, who died.  Captured by the Borg, who want nothing to do with him.  Allied himself with a bunch of stupid colorful ninjas and a bunch of other now-dead "masterminds" who he hates now anyway.  I miss anyone?"

"Whoever reformatted him into that freaky transformer version!"  shouted Needlegal, quick to point out something her brother had missed.

"Ah, yes.  You know, I never really figured out what the Hell was up with us fighting all those transformers that time.  It was like we were suddenly in some stupid cartoon.  Personally, I'd like to pretend all that didn't happen."

Geminiman smiled, "Yeah, and it's pretty easy to do now that everything's back to the status quo!"

"Mmmmmmmmmm, status quo...The best kind of quo!"  Shadowman said with a smile.

"I wish I was part of those old times.  They sound like they were real fun!"  Spark-Chan, the newest member of the Mechanical Maniacs said.

"It was, but we can have fun today too," said Shadowman hopefully.  Spark-Chan nodded enthusiastically. 

"But now we have to decide on teams," the blue ninja said bringing the meeting back to order, "and, unless any of you guys has any objections, I wanna check out those "Sinister Six" phonies."

"More power to you!  I can't stand those jerks," Magnetman stated.

"Well, I've never been too fond of Wily, but I'm the best choice to lead you to his secret base.  I might know some things if we make it there," said Classi Cal, the new Spark-Chan.  Before assuming Spark's mantle Classi was better known as Bass' flimsy prototype.  Unwilling to be a part of Wily's madness she ran away to live on her own.

"Well, you guys'll need a leader, and since Geminiman's "guarding" the base, I choose Needlegal for the job.  And, Hardman?  If they run into trouble with anyone, you're our best bet to stop 'em.  After all, your brute strength is more needed to infiltrate Wily's lab than to take on the "˜Sinister Six' losers."

Magnetman, Spark-Chan, Needlegal, and Hardman nodded.

"The rest of you are with me.  We'll hunt those pathetic team wannabees and make them sorry for messing with us!"  said Shadowman with a smirk.  That meant Snakeman and Topman would go with him to confront the Sinister Six imposters.  More than enough if they had any trouble.


Shadowman packed his essentials for the trip.  Never knowing what to expect meant you had to pack everything you thought would come in handy...and that meant anything at all.  In addition to pliers, a flashlight, and batteries, Shadowman packed a few special Shadow blades he configured...just in case things went sour.  He almost hoped Torchman and his cronies started something because their reaction to his special blades would be worth the fight.

Hiding them all cleverly into an array of hidden pockets, Shadowman left his room to meet the others.  This whole event shouldn't take too long.  Everyone should be back by ten. Maybe they'd even have time to rent some movies.

"Man...I've never been apart from you guys on a mission before, said a very emotional Magnetman, "Just in case we don't make it back...I just wanna say that...that..."

Shadowman and a few of the others eyed Magnetman uncomfortably.  Spark, however, brightened up and gave Magnet a big hug.

"Aw, sweetie!  Don't be too nervous!  We'll all be fine!"

Magnetman nodded and Shadow gave a sight of relief.  Honestly, Magnet looked about ready to cry!  After all, they were just gonna be gone for the day.


Magnet was glad Classi was so supportive.  He'd been trying to get close to her for a while now.  Good thing they were going on this mission.  He might be able to get some alone time with Class.  If he was lucky.

He noticed Shadow eyeing him oddly.  What, didn't he see a guy getting close to a girl before?

"Yeah, really.  It's just a daytrip, man."  Hard said, trying to support Magnet.

"What?  I know that!"

"Yeah, looked about ready to cry there, Mags."

Cry!?  That wasn't the plan!

"I "“ I wasn't gonna cry!"

"Well I hope not.  God."  Shadowman said dryly.

"But I wasn't!  I'm all man!"

"Now, now, sweetie.  There's no need to be scared of your feelings, Maggie!"

Maggie!  A girl's name!  It was getting worse!

"No!  Don't call me that!  No!!"

Snakeman chuckled.  "What?  You don't like to be called Maggie?  Why?  It's a fine name for a lady!"

Magnetman almost died.


Shadowman quieted the others down after they all had a good laugh at Magnet's expense.  Geminiman was pretty sure Magnet was hitting on Classi, but he was also pretty sure that it would be funnier if he just let him go on with it!  Why stop what entertains.

After a short goodbye the two teams went off leaving Geminiman home alone.  To "guard" the base. 

He wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to do, but after spending so much time fighting those Evil Eight clowns and the Quarter Knights rejects, he wanted to have some time for fun. 


Blyka's Door
E-Can Factory
MM BN Chrono X
MM PC Website
Protodude's RM Corner
Reploid Research Lavatory
RM AMV Station
RM EXE Online
RM:Perfect Memories
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