Squeezing out another update

Next up … the next installment of Remnant!

Not much else new up here at the Mechs front. We’re planning some new things, but I have to admit, life does get in the way of updates. That and other hobbies of course. But hopefully the current installment will tide you all over until next month.

New layout and a new Epilogue!

Yes, that’s right. It’s that time again! I’ve been hard at work making a new layout!

Well, okay. Maybe it’s not really "new" as much as it is "tweaked", but there’s still plenty different. For instance, this laypout was reallly a big excuse to learn a bit of HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery! Of course that nessessitated the use of some large files, so … we’ll see how all that works out.

Furthermore, both the gallery and our blog have gotten substancial revisions. While I kept up with the latest releases of WordPress, I never actually changed that layout to reflect that. This has changed. And the gallery was even worse off – Coppermine changed so much that installing the latest version simply broke it! So that too has been completed updated.

But that’s not all! The second part of Remnant is now online!

Can anybody hear me out there?

Because this site has been down almost constantly lately thanks to server downtimes that I don’t even know.  It’s been down so much so that it just about precludes updates (although they’re certainly being worked on).

I feel I must apologize.  The server’s help desk is no help at all and the only thing that seems left to do is move outta here.  Everyone at the Mechs is reluctant to do this due to loss of records and overall hassle, but … well, we’ll see.

Anyway, sit tight.  We’ll be fuilly functional soon, hopefully.  With, maybe, a surprise or two!

Happy 2012!

Mechs Meet 2011

About a month ago, we gathered in Gauntlet’s neck of the woods once again and had some good times seeing FanExpo, driving around the Toronto area, missing turnoffs, doing impressions of comedians doing impressions of celebrities doing impressions of other celebrities, and playing video games. Check out the log and the gallery.